Do you like to spend time underwater enjoying the Hawaiʻi marine environment? Have you recently gone snorkeling, diving, or spearfishing around Hawaiʻi coral reefs? If so, we invite you to complete a brief online survey about your experiences snorkeling, scuba diving, free diving, or spearfishing.
Coral reefs in Hawaiʻi are an important ecological resource that provides recreational opportunities to both residents and visitors. We are asking divers and snorkelers to share their expenses as well as their perceptions of reef conditions. The results of this survey will help NOAA Fisheries better understand how diving and snorkeling activities on Hawaiian coral reefs contribute to the Hawaiʻi economy.
So far, we’ve received around 500 responses! Mahalo to all who have taken the time to fill out this survey—we appreciate your dedication to helping protect our coral reefs. If you've taken any new trips in 2019, feel free to fill out the survey again. The more responses we get from residents and visitors to Hawaiʻi, the more accurate our study will be. So encourage your friends, family, and neighbors to take it as well!
Please visit to start the survey!
This survey is sponsored by the NOAA Fisheries in collaboration with the University of Hawaiʻi.