World-wide research on women’s roles in fisheries has indicated that women have important, yet often, overlooked roles in fisheries. In Bristol Bay roughly 30 percent of the setnet permit holders are women. NOAA Fisheries scientists from the Alaska Fisheries Science Center documented oral histories with women so that they could share their stories and knowledge, and about how environmental change may be impacting these fisheries. They shared the results of this project during two community events.
Naknek Potluck
When: Friday, July 27, 4pm-9pm (2018)
Where: Dolly’s Hall
What: Naknek community members were invited to come hear researchers talk about the project, show videos and discuss plans for future research. Elders had a chance to share stories. All were welcome to bring subsistence foods to share!
Dillingham Workshop
When: Tuesday, July 31, 3pm-7pm (2018)
Where: Bristol Bay Native Association
What: Researchers talked about the project, showed videos, and discussed plans for future research. You can learn about oral histories, and gathering family and community stories using audio or video equipment as discussed at this event by contacting Alaska Fisheries Science Center for more information. Snacks were provided and all were welcome!
The researchers were in Bristol Bay from Tuesday July 24th through Thursday August 2nd and gathered oral histories from Alaska Native women who fished in Bristol Bay. If you are interested in providing additional contributions to future projects or would like to see this project revitalized, please email Maggie Mooney-Seus.