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Fisheries Governance Projects in Ghana

NOAA Fisheries' Office of International Affairs, Trade, and Commerce is collaborating under the Security Governance Initiative, a multi-year interagency partnership between the United States and Ghana to improve security sector governance and capacity.

SGI’s central objective is to enable partner countries to develop and enhance policies, institutional structures, systems, and processes that allow them to more efficiently, effectively, and responsibly deliver security and justice to their citizens.

A U.S. delegation of interagency subject matter experts, including NOAA, met with their Ghanaian counterparts to discuss challenges and potential solutions in three key areas that the Government of Ghana had previous identified as priorities: maritime security, border management, and cybercrime and cybersecurity. 

As a result of these discussions, the Ghanaian Government was able to identify a number of specific maritime security sector challenges they wished to address, including Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing.

In an effort to get a more comprehensive understanding of programming, avoid duplication of effort, and better leverage resources moving forward, the Office of International Affairs, Trade, and Commerce is conducting an inventory of current capacity-building programs related to fisheries governance in Ghana. The objective, to provide a resource for the various ongoing and proposed projects aimed toward the goal of improving fisheries governance in Ghana and to provide a basis for future projects to build upon. 

Current projects in Ghana

  • Coastal Resources Center, Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island: Ghana Sustainable Fisheries Management Project 
  • International Seafood Sustainability Foundation
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Improved Governance through Legal and Enforcement Capacity Building
  • U.S. Naval Forces Africa
  • World Wildlife Fund

Last updated by Office of International Affairs, Trade, and Commerce on July 08, 2024