Weekly Highlights - February 20, 2018
Read about this week's enforcement actions from around the country.
Alaska Division
- Enforcement officers and special agents provided compliance assistance numerous fishermen with questions about gear and catch limits.
Northeast Division
- An enforcement officer provided compliance assistance to a New Jersey highly migratory species dealer for failing to report HMS properly.
- An enforcement officer provided compliance assistance to a New Jersey commercial fishing vessel for failing to maintain an accurate trip report and possessing a 20lb. overage of summer flounder. The overage was referred to the New Jersey state partner for investigation.
- An enforcement officer provided compliance assistance to a North Carolina commercial fishing vessel for failing to maintain an accurate trip report and failing to properly declare into the appropriate fisheries prior to leaving port.
- An enforcement officer provided compliance assistance to a vessel that fished while having a negative IFQ scallop balance.
Pacific Islands Division
- Two enforcement officers completed the fifth week of Protected Species sea patrols within the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale Sanctuary off the Island of Maui. JEA partners from DOCARE also worked alongside OLE officers. During these patrols, the officers made contact with multiple recreational boaters, kayakers, paddle boarders, and commercial tour boats regarding approach regulations for the Humpback Whales.
- An enforcement officer conducted a joint ESA land patrol with DOCARE Officers (state partners) on the Island of Hawaii. Marine mammal volunteers reported that a two-day-old Hawaiian Monk Seal and its mother were nursing at Kekaha Kai State Park. The Officers responded, spoke with volunteers and the public, and ensured the seals were not disturbed.
Southeast Division
- An enforcement officer conducted surveillance of recreational activity around dolphins in Shem Creek. Warmer temperatures increased recreational kayak and paddleboard activity, however, no violations were observed. The officer spoke with several people concerning MMPA regulations to ensure compliance.
- A special agent issued a $1,500 summary settlement to a Federal HMS Dealer who repeatedly reported landing information late to the HMS Division.
- An enforcement officer spoke with the owner of a local seafood dealer reference previous sales of king mackerel from a non-permitted vessel. The seafood dealer provided the EO with trip tickets/receipts dating back to November of 2017. The officer issued the fisherman a $1,250 summary settlement for fishing without a limited access permit and being over the commercial trip limit of king mackerel.
West Coast Division
- An enforcement officer conducted dockside patrols. No violations were noted.