Weekly Highlights - September 4, 2018
Read about this week's enforcement actions from around the country.
Alaska Division
- During a patrol, two Enforcement Officers received notification that an elderly tourist from a cruise line vessel had fallen into a lake two miles from the nearest trailhead. The individual was described as having serious injuries and unable to move. After notifying Sitka Police Department, one of the officers remained at the trailhead while the other hiked with a trauma kit up the trail. Upon locating the injured, the officer observed an elderly man and his wife, both mildly hypothermic from falling into the lake. The man had de-articulated his foot from his ankle. The officer stabilized the man’s ankle and used clothing from other hikers to keep the couple warm. Sitka SAR soon arrived and evacuated the injured man. The officer led the wife down a more accessible trail to a waiting vehicle. After providing the woman with dry clothes and shoes, the offices arranged transportation to the hospital where she could be with her husband. The officers informed the cruise line vessel of the incident.
- Three Enforcement Officers conducted a joint state and federal U.S. Border operation with the Alaska Wildlife Troopers and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The team contacted the occupants of over 500 vehicles to detect and deter fisheries, marine mammal, and wildlife trafficking violations.
A Special Agent issued written warnings to two halibut subsistence anglers. The Alaska Wildlife Troopers made contact with the Anglers near Prince of Wales Island and reported the anglers used almost double the number of hooks authorized by federal regulations.
Northeast Division
- A Special Agent covertly monitored the offload of a giant Bluefin tuna and then investigated to ensure the fish was reported as required. The dealer who received the fish reported the purchase; however, the HMS permit owner did not report the catch as required. The permit owner was contacted and educated regarding the reporting requirement.
- Enforcement Officers conducted at-sea and dockside patrols during a Virginia billfish tournament. The patrols focused on permitting, size, and landing limit requirements. No violations were noted.
- A Special Agent attended a USCG Regional Enforcement Committee session in Maine. These meetings are attended by representatives from multiple agencies for law enforcement information sharing purposes. The SA discussed information relevant to offshore lobster enforcement.
Pacific Islands Division
An Enforcement Officer in Guam, conducted at sea patrols alongside JEA partners from Guam’s Customs MITF Officers and their Director. Officers patrolled the northern, eastern and western coast of Guam to include Guam’s 3-mile buoy marker. Officers made contact with one private recreational boat with three persons on board and one fisherman, fishing along the eastern cliff line. No violations were observed.
An Enforcement Officer along with JEA partners from the Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources conducted land patrols to include the Fagatele Bay National Marine Sanctuary. After departing the Sanctuary, the officers proceeded to patrol the eastern and northern sections of the island. No violations were observed.
An Enforcement Officer conducted two separate PSMA dockside operations with JEA partners from the Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources. The officers also boarded and investigated a Samoa-flagged longline fishing vessel while in port. Officers reviewed/investigated the captain's log, fishing permits, VMS, and the fish/bait hold. No violations were discovered.
Southeast Division
- An Enforcement Officer conducted an air patrol with FL FWC over the middle and lower keys targeting the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) violations. No FKNMS violations were observed but a State violation was and the pilot directed an FWC patrol vessel to the scene.
- An Enforcement Officer received a complaint that a headboat in would be landing a prohibited Sandbar
Shark. The Officer met the vessel at the dock and determined it was a Bull Shark. Therefore, it was not a violation. - A $550 summary settlement was issued to a recreational vessel for exceeding the red snapper bag limit.
West Coast Division
- Enforcement Officers conducted at-sea and dockside inspections. No violations were noted.