Past Members of the Northeast Passive Acoustics Branch
Our branch has seen many talented people come and go through various programs: students, interns, Hollings scholars, and others whose contributions live on.
Dr. Timothy Rowell: (2018-2023) Tim worked on soundscape and fish acoustic projects, as well as leading field work for the Passive Acoustics Branch. He is now the branch chief of the Advanced Technologies Branch of the Fisheries Assessment, Technology, and Engineering Support Division (FATES) at the Southeast Fisheries Science Center.
Dr. Jenni Stanley: (2015-2020) Jenni was a Postdoctoral researcher in the Passive Acoustics Branch at NEFSC and at Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, working on soundscape ecology and sound production in fish and invertebrates. She is now a senior lecturer at the University of Waikato, New Zealand, but still works with our branch on the Sanctuaries Soundscape (SanctSound) Project.
Dr. Danielle Cholewiak: (2011-2020) Dani was a senior acoustician in the branch focusing on towed array data, baleen whales, and ocean noise research. She still works closely with us, and is now the Whale Ecology Branch Chief for the Protected Species Division.
Grace Simpkins: (2012-2018) Grace helped develop our Coasts, Oceans, And STewardship (COAST) educational outreach program with the Passive Acoustics Branch and Woods Hole Sea Grant. She is currently a Sea Grant Educator with the Woods Hole Sea Grant Program, and continues to work with us to bring science to the classroom and community.
Dr. Samara Haver: (2021). "Long Term Trends and Sources of Sound in United States Waters." Wildlife Science, Oregon State University. Currently a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Cooperative Institute for Marine Resources Studies at Hatfield Marine Science Center (OSU/NOAA PMEL).
Dr. Genevieve Davis: (2020). "Using passive acoustic data to track changes in baleen whale distribution throughout the western North Atlantic Ocean." Environmental Biology, University of Massachusetts Boston. Currently a Research Biologist with the Passive Acoustics Branch.
Dr. Joy Stanistreet: (2017). "Ecology of beaked whales and sperm whales in the western North Atlantic Ocean: Insights from passive acoustic monitoring." Marine Science and Conservation, Duke University. Currently a PostDoc with the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada at the Bedford Institute of Oceanography in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
Dr. Heather Heenehan: (2016). "Soundscape Ecology of Hawaiian Spinner Dolphin Resting Bays." Marine Science and Conservation, Duke University. Currently an upper school science teacher at Greens Farms Academy.
Dr. Trudi Webster: (2015). "Southern right whales: acoustic behavior and ambient noise." Marine Science and Zoology, University of Otago. Currently a conservation science advisor at Yellow-eyed Penguin Trust.
Dr. Denise Risch: (2013). "Baleen whale acoustic ecology with focus on minke whales (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) and reference to anthropogenic noise". Zoology, University of Kiel. Denise was a senior bioacoustician with our group from 2006-2013 and is a currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate at The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS).
Dr. Robert Valtierra: (2013). "Source localization of narrow band signals in multipath environments, with application to marine mammals". Mechanical Engineering Department, Boston University. After helping with many of our engineering queries, Rob has moved on, but not without leaving us some of his masterpieces.
Dr. Ilse van Opzeeland: (2010). "Acoustic ecology of marine mammals in polar oceans". Polar and Marine Research Ocean Acoustics Lab, Alfred Wegener Institute. Current researcher at Alfred Wegener Institute.
Postdocs and Research Assistants
Sara Tennant (2022-2023)
Logan Kline (2019 & 2022-2023)
Jennifer Wallace (2019-2022)
Molly Martin (2021-2022)
Liam Mueller-Brennan (2019-2021)
Nicole Pegg (2019-2021)
Allison Stokoe (2019-2021)
Dana Gerlach (2014-2020)
Dr. Paul Caiger (2017-2020)
Katharine Shelledy (2017-2019)
Alyssa Scott (2019)
Sarah Weiss (2017-2019)
Julianne Bonnell (formerly Gurnee) (2015-2018)
John Luke Palka (2018)
Megan Slack (2018)
Christopher Tremblay (2015-2016)
Samara Haver (2011-2015)
Dr. Steven Brady (2013-2014)
Keith Hernandez (2011-2012)
Sarah Mussoline (2010-2012)
Joy Stanistreet (2009-2011)
Elizabeth Vu (2008-2009)
Jillian Vitacco (2010)
NOAA Hollings Scholarship Interns
Learn about the Hollings program
Cassidy Breach (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2023)
Matthew Brander (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2023)
Abigail Fritz (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2023)
Isabella Garfield (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2023)
Alexandra Redford (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2023)
Zoie Bright (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2022)
Sophia Zoll (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2022)
Nicholas Hayes (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2021)
Korianna Hays (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2021)
Paul Ernst (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2020)
Logan Kline (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2018)
Dawn Parry (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2018)
Nicole Pegg (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2018)
Zachary Pinard (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2018)
Bridget Mueller-Brennan (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2017)
Megan Sullivan (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2017)
Sandra Dorning (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2016)
Alyssa Scott (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2016)
Katharine Shelledy (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2016)
Daniel Woodrich (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2015)
Julianne Gurnee (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2013)
Julia Luthringer (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2012)
Genevieve Davis (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2010)
Keith Hernandez (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2010)
Taryn Overton (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2009)
Michelle McEachern (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2009)
Amy Rhoads (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2008)
Joy Stanistreet (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2008)
Sarah Mussoline (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2007)
Elizabeth Vu (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2007)
Shonda Gaylord (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2007)
Rachael Dickey (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2006)
Charles White (Hollings Scholar- Summer 2006)
Woods Hole Partnership Education Program Interns
Learn about PEP
Jabari Lottie (PEP- Summer 2021)
Kristen McCauley (PEP- Summer 2020)
Alisa Young (PEP- Summer 2014)
Myya Jackson (PEP- Summer 2012)
Danielle Rodriguez (PEP- Summer 2012)
James Lewis (PEP- Summer 2011)
Rachel Rochon (PEP- Summer 2010)
Jordan Aoyama (PEP- Summer 2009)
Students & Interns
Taylor Coleman (Summer 2023)
Brijonnay Madrigal (Nancy Foster Scholar 2023)
Anne Smith (Summer 2022)
Sonia Liu (Summer 2022)
Noah Laber (Summer 2022)
Sara Tennant (Graduate student 2022)
Meredith Sackett (Graduate student 2020)
Caroline Reed (High school intern (2018 - 2019))
Natasha Heisenberg (High school intern (Summers 2018 & 2019))
Sarah Weiss (Fall 2016)
Sabena Siddiqui (Spring 2015)
Julianne Cossavella (Graduate intern 2014)
Kelly Simonson (Summer 2014)
Sam Hommand (Summer 2013)
Sarah Strobel (Summer 2011)
Samara Haver (2011)
Lauren Gentile (Summer 2011 and 2010)
Caitlin Waring (High school intern (2010 & 2011))
Jackie Koo (High school intern (2009 & 2010))
Gabriel Poritz (2009)
Andre Guerreiro da Silva (2008-2009)
Jackie Kiernan (2006-2007)