Atlantic Sharks Recreational Bag Limits
Recreational bag limits information for Atlantic Sharks.
Minimum sizes and bag limits vary by permit and vessel type. Additional requirements may be applicable. View the HMS Recreational Compliance Guide for details.
Species | Fishery Status | Minimum Size (fork length) | Bag Limits |
Atlantic sharpnose shark | Open | None | 1/person/trip |
Bonnethead shark | Open | None | 1/person/trip |
Smoothhound shark | Open | None | No limit |
Hammerhead*, blacktip, bull, lemon, nurse, spinner, tiger, blacknose, finetooth, blue, porbeagle**, and thresher sharks | Open |
| 1 total /vessel/trip |
Vessels must have a valid HMS Angling or HMS Charterboat/Headboat permit to fish for Atlantic sharks. The permit covers everyone fishing on that vessel. Tournament vessels may instead fish for sharks with an Atlantic Tunas General category or Swordfish General Commercial permit. All HMS permit holders must have a shark endorsement on their permit before they can fish recreationally for sharks.
Measure fork length in a straight line from the snout to the fork of the tail.
Retention Prohibited
The following are prohibited species and must be released with minimal injury and without removing it from the water:
- Atlantic angel
- Basking
- Bigeye sand tiger
- Bigeye sixgill
- Bigeye thresher
- Bignose
- Caribbean reef
- Caribbean sharpnose
- Dusky
- Galapagos
- Longfin mako
- Shortfin mako
- Narrowtooth
- Night
- Oceanic Whitetip
- Sandbar
- Sand tiger
- Sevengill
- Silky
- Sixgill
- Smalltail
- Whale
- White