Below is a selection of the most recent peer-reviewed publications by Northeast Center staff. Division, branch, or program-specific publications are listed on their corresponding pages.
NOAA Institutional Repository
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Recent Publications
Henry A, Garron M, Morin D, Smith A, Reid A, Ledwell W, Cole T. 2024. Serious injury and mortality determinations for baleen whale stocks along the Gulf of Mexico, United States East Coast, and Atlantic Canadian Provinces, 2018-2022. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 24-10; 55 p.
Runge MC, Linden DW, Hostetler JA, Borggaard DL, Garrison LP, Knowlton AR, Lesage V, Williams R, Pace III RM. 2024. A management-focused population viability analysis for North Atlantic right whales. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Tech Memo 307. 93 p.
Carr-Harris A, Bastille K, Steinback S. 2024. Developing and applying a decision support tool for recreational fishery management of Atlantic summer flounder, black sea bass, and scup. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Tech Memo 320. 48 p.
McAfee B. 2024. 2024 discard estimation, precision, and sample size analysis for 14 federally managed species groups in the waters off the northeastern United States. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Tech Memo 318. 184 p.
Northeast Fisheries Science Center and Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office. 2024. 2024 Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology Annual Discard Report with Observer Sea Day Allocation by Fleet and Trip Selection System. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Tech Memo 319. 55 p.
Terceiro M. 2024. The Summer Flounder Chronicles IV: four decades of population dynamics, 1976-2022. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 24-04; 137 p.
Northeast Fisheries Science Center. 2024. 2023 experimental on-demand lobster fishery in vertical line closures. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Tech Memo 316. 17 p.
Miller AS, Solinger L, Shank B, Huamani A, Duffing Romero MD, Asaro MJ, Franco C, Trego ML. 2024. A decision support tool to assess risk of entanglement mortality to large whales from commercial fixed-gear fisheries in the Northwest Atlantic. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Tech Memo 312. 102 p.
Northeast Fisheries Science Center. 2024. Butterfish Research Track Assessment Report. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 24-03; 191 p
Sheehan TF, Gargan P, Kerr B, Ravn M, Nygaard R, Bradbury IR, Robertson MJ, Maoiléidigh NO. 2024. The International Sampling Program: continent of origin and biological characteristics of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) collected at West Greenland in 2020 and 2021. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 24-01; 69 p.
Sheehan TF, Brown B, Ellingson B, Josset Q, Maxwell H, Ravn M, Nygaard R, Bradbury IR, Robertson MJ. 2023. The International Sampling Program: continent of origin and biological characteristics of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) collected at West Greenland in 2022. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 24-02; 54 p.
Precoda K and Lyssikatos M. 2024. Estimates of cetacean and pinniped bycatch in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic bottom trawl fisheries, 2022. US Dept Commer, Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 24-05; 15 p.
Precoda K. 2024. Estimates of cetacean and pinniped bycatch in the New England and Mid-Atlantic gillnet fisheries, 2022. US Dept Commer, Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 24-06; 20 p.
Grange M, Saunders R, Holmes SB, Koenig S. 2023. Program and abstracts from the 2022 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 23-14; 57 p.
Transue L, Davis G, Van Parijs S. 2023. North Atlantic right whale Passive Acoustic Detections Report: July-December 2022. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc. 23-12; 2 p.
Saba V, Borggaard D, Caracappa J, Clay P, Colburn L, Collins M, Cudney J, Deroba J, DePiper G, Fratantoni P, et al. 2023. Northeast Regional Action Plan to implement the NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy through 2024. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Tech Memo 310. 39 p.
Summary Report: NMFS Atlantic Coast Science Coordination Workshop August 17-19, 2021 by Vincent Saba and Todd Kellison (pdf, 49pg)
Population size estimation of North Atlantic right whales from 1990-2022 by Daniel W. Linden (pdf, 19pg)
Josephson E and Lyssikatos M. 2023. Serious injury determinations for small cetaceans and pinnipeds caught in commercial fisheries off the northeast U.S. coast, 2017-2021. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 23-11; 35 p.
Mercer A, Moser J, Swiader Jr T, Salois S. 2023. Design, implementation, and results of a collaborative shortfin squid (Illex illecebrosus) electronic size monitoring project. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Tech Memo 311; 18 p.
Northeast Fisheries Science Center. 2023. Management Track Assessments Spring 2023. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Tech Memo 308. 80 p.
Galvez B, Matzen E, Khan C, Milliken H, Goebel J, Good C. 2023. Fisheries Information System (FIS) Stakeholder Engagement Workshops report: stakeholder input on data fields for an on-demand fishing geolocation cloud database. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Tech Memo 309. (pdf, 21 p.)
[NEFSC] Northeast Fisheries Science Center. Management Track Assessments Fall 2022. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Tech Memo 305. (pdf, 180 p.)
Henry A, Garron M, Morin D, Smith A, Reid A, Ledwell W, Cole T. 2023. Serious injury and mortality determinations for baleen whale stocks along the Gulf of Mexico, United States East Coast, and Atlantic Canadian Provinces, 2017-2021. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 23-09. (pdf, 58 p)
Vasquez Caballero S, Bisack K, Shank B, Thunberg E. 2023. Building economic operating models in support of a management strategy evaluation for the Gulf of Maine American Lobster Fishery. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Tech Memo 303. (pdf, 42 p)
Palka DL. 2023. Cetacean Abundance in the U.S. Northwestern Atlantic Ocean, Summer 2021. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 23-08. (pdf, 63 p)
Vasquez Caballero S, Bisack K, Shank B, Thunberg E. 2023. Proceedings of the 2022 Virtual Lobster Economic Modeling Workshops: March 23, March 29, April 8. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Tech Memo 298. (pdf, 68 p)
Precoda K, Murray K, Hayes S. 2023. Loggerhead Turtle Interactions in Mid-Atlantic Bottom Trawl Gear, 2001-2019. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Tech Memo 299. (pdf, 18 p.)
Whitmore EH, Cutler MJ, Thunberg EM. 2022. Social License to Operate in the Aquaculture Industry: A Community-Focused Framework. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Tech Memo 287. 45 p.
Huynh QC, Legault CM, Hordyk AR, Carruthers TR. 2022. A closed-loop simulation framework and indicator approach for evaluating impacts of retrospective patterns in stock assessments. ICES J Mar Sci
Hodgdon CT, Dr. Shank B, Chen Y. 2022. Developing a Framework to Estimate Dynamic Reference Points for American Lobster Using a Thermally Explicit Spawning Stock Biomass / Recruitment Relationship. Can J Fish Aquat Sci
Gawarkiewicz G, Fratantoni P, Bahr F, Ellertson A. 2022. Increasing frequency of mid-depth Salinity Maximum Intrusions in the Middle Atlantic Bight. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, J Geophys Res Oceans
Sauvage J, Wikfors GH, Dixon MS, Kapareiko D, Sabbe K, Li X, Joyce A. 2022. Bacterial exudates as growth-promoting agents for the cultivation of commercially relevant marine microalgal strains. J World Aquacult Soc 1– 19
Henry A. 2022. Serious Injury and Mortality Determinations for Baleen Whale Stocks along the Gulf of Mexico, United States East Coast, and Atlantic Canadian Provinces, 2015-2019. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Tech Memo 280. 65 p.
Josephson E. 2022. Serious Injury Determinations for Cetaceans and Pinnipeds Caught in Commercial Fisheries off the Northeast U.S. Coast, 2015-2019. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 22-03. 37 p.
Adams CF. Update on the Spatial Distribution of Butterfish, 1982-2019. US Dept Commer Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 22-04. 15 p.
Renkawitz M, Sheehan T, Rikardsen A, Righton D, Rasmus N. Tracking Atlantic Salmon off the West Greenland Coast and in the Labrador Sea with PSATs. US Dept Commer, Northeast Fish Sci Cent Tech Memo 275. (pdf 21 pg).
Sheehan TF, Wynne MP, Clarke GA, Coghlan S, Collins M, Kelley A, Kelshaw R, Kusnierz D, Royte J, Saunders R, Schmitt C, Wilson K, Zydlewski G, Zydlewski J. 2021. Implementing a monitoring framework and data archive for dam removal: Pre-project ecological monitoring of the lower Penobscot River, Maine USA. NOAA Tech Memo NMFS NE. 272; (pdf, 102 p).
Sheehan TF, Coyne J, Davis GD, Deschamps D, Haas-Castro R, Quinn P, Vaughn L, Nygaard R, Bradbury IR, Robertson MJ, Maoileidigh NO, Carr J. The international sampling program: Continent of origin and biological characteristics of Atlantic Salmon collected at West Greenland in 2019. US Dept Commer, Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 21-08. (pdf, 63 pg)
Silva A, Gentile LE, Cutler MJ, Colburn LL. A comparison of wave I (2012/2013) and II (2018/2019) of the survey on the socio-economic aspects of commercial fishing crew in the northeast U.S. NOAA Tech Memo NMFS-NE-274. (pdf, 64 p)
Pace, RM. Revisions and further evaluations of the right whale abundance model: improvements for hypothesis testing. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-NE 269. (pdf, 49 p)
Wigley S, Asci S, Benjamin S, Chamberlain G, Cierpich S, Didden J, Drew K, Legault C, Linden D, Murray K, Potts D, Sampson K, Tholke C. 2021. Standardized Bycatch Reporting Methodology 3-year Review Report - 2020. NOAA Tech Memo NMFS NE. 266; (pdf, 186p)
Josephson E, Wenzel F, Lyssikatos MC. 2021. Serious injury determinations for small cetaceans and pinnipeds caught in commercial fisheries off the Northeast US coast, 2014-2018. US Dept Commer, Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 21-04; (pdf, 33 p)
Lyssikatos MC, Chavez-Rosales S, Hatch J. 2021. Estimates of cetacean and pinniped bycatch in Northeast and Mid-Atlantic bottom trawl fisheries, 2014-2018. US Dept Commer, Northeast Fish Sci Cent Ref Doc 21-02; (pdf, 12 p)
Goulette GS, Hawkes JP, Kocik JF, Manning JP, Matzen E, Van Parijs S, Pettigrew N, Wallinga J, Zydlewski GB, Ames C. 2021. Opportunistic acoustic telemetry platforms: an update on the Northeast Fisheries Science Center’s collaborative monitoring program in the Gulf of Maine, 2005-2018. NOAA Tech Memo NMFS NE 265; (pdf, 21 p)