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828 items match your filter criteria.

Former Northeast Dealer Pleads Guilty to Felony Lacey Act Charge

January 30, 2015: Maryland fish dealer pleaded guilty in federal court to a single felony count of submitting false reports to NOAA, in violation of the Lacey Act for purchasing scallops in excess of the legal landing limit.
January 30, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Making the Connection Between Climate and Fisheries

An interview with NOAA Fisheries scientist Jon Hare
January 21, 2015 - Feature Story ,

Sea Turtles Rescued from the Cold

A record number of sea turtles have stranded after being cold-stunned this fall. The Sea Turtle Stranding Network is bringing them in from the cold.
December 23, 2014 - Podcast ,

White Shark Recovery

New research reveals that Atlantic white sharks, which were hunted indiscriminately for almost two decades following the release of the movie Jaws, have slowly been making a comeback.
September 07, 2014 - Podcast ,
White shark, dark on top, white below, mouth open with teeth visible.

Probiotics on the Shellfish Farm

NOAA Fisheries scientists develop a new, environmentally friendly technology to increase yields at oyster hatcheries.
June 23, 2014 - Feature Story ,

How to Disentangle a Whale

Every year, dozens of whales become entangled in fishing gear off the U.S. Atlantic coast. The Atlantic Large Whale Disentanglement Network works to save them.
March 29, 2014 - Podcast ,
Entangled whale as viewed underwater, gear appears to be wrapped around tail.

A Changing Climate in Fisheries Management

How will we manage fish populations as the climate changes? NOAA Fisheries biologist John Manderson is working on one small piece of the puzzle.
February 13, 2014 - Podcast ,
Temperature map of the ocean in the Northeast Atlantic

Voices from the Fisheries: Danny Murphy

The Voices from the Fisheries series provides oral history interviews related to commercial, recreational, and subsistence fishing in the United States and its territories. This interview spotlights Danny Murphy, a commercial fisherman from Gloucester, Massachusetts.
November 02, 2012 - Podcast ,