North Atlantic right whales are found up and down the East Coast. This, unfortunately, puts them closer to human activity, and at greater risk. In our new podcast episode, we'll get an update on the status of North Atlantic right whales—an endangered species whose conservation is a major priority for us. We'll also hear about new, game-changing funding for conservation enabled by the Inflation Reduction Act.
Our first guest, Dr. Caroline Good, is a large whale ecologist in NOAA Fisheries' Office of Protected Resources, and the lead in the North Atlantic right whale vessel strike reduction program. Caroline will give us an update on the population status of North Atlantic right whales and the 2024 calving season. Our other guest is Dr. Jon Hare, the director of NOAA's Northeast Fisheries Science Center. He'll share how funding from the Inflation Reduction Act is being used toward right whale conservation efforts.
Listen to the episode to hear the updates and learn more about the fascinating role that these whales play in the ecosystem.