Protected Species Research Publications - Population Studies
These publications focus on a particular population or group of individuals. Includes population assessments, growth assessments, population size, demography,, and population specific influences, characteristics, and responses.
- Banerjee et al. 2019. Baseline health parameters of East Pacifric green turtles at southern California foraging grounds. Chelonian Conservation and Biology
- Bradbury et al. 2016. Genetic mixed stock analysis disentangles spatial and temporal variation in composition of the West Greenland Atlantic Salmon fishery. ICES Journal of Marine Science
- Bright et al. 2016. Tracking growth and survival of rescued boulder corals. Restoration Ecology
- Catton et al. 2016. Population status assessment and restoration modeling of white abalone (Haliotis sorenseni) in California. Journal of Shellfish Research
- Demetras et al. 2016. Development of underwater recorders to quantify predation of juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in a river environment. Fishery Bulletin
- Dietrich et al. 2016. Survival and travel times of in-river and transported yearling Chinook salmon in the lower Columbia River and estuary. Fisheries Research
- Durban et al. 2016. Morphological and ecological evidence for two sympatric forms of Type B killer whale around the Antarctic Peninsula. Polar Biology
- Durban et al. 2016. Photogrammetry of blue whales with an unmanned hexacopter. Marine Mammal Science
- Ford et al. 2016. Estimation of a killer whale (Orcinus orca) population's diet using sequencing analysis of DNA from feces. PLos One
- Ford et al. 2016. Broodstock history strongly influences natural spawning success in hatchery steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss). PLoS One
- Gayeski et al. 2016. A life-table model estimation of the Parr capacity of a late-nineteenth century Puget Sound steelhead population. Facets
- Goertler et al. 2016. Estimating common growth patterns in juvenile Chinook salmon from diverse genetic stocks and a large spatial extent. PLos One
- Goshe et al. 2016. Validation of back-calculated body lengths and timing of growth mark deposition in Hawaiian green sea turtles. Ecology and Evolution
- Goulette and Lipsky. 2016. Nonlethal batch identification of Atlantic Salmon using coded wire tags. North American Journal of Fisheries Management
- Hayes et al. 2016. Observations of steelhead in the California Current lead to a marine-based hypothesis for the half-pounder life history, with climate change implications for anadromy. North Pacific Anadromous Fish Commission Bulletin
- Heenehan et al. 2016. Passive acoustic monitoring of coastally-associated Hawaiian spinner dolphins, Stenella longirostris, ground-truthed through visual surveys. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
- Howell et al. 2016. Ontogenetic shifts in diet and habitat of juvenile green sea turtles in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico. Marine Ecology Progress Series
- Jaramillo-Legorreta et al. 2016. Passive acoustic monitoring of the decline of Mexico's critically endangered vaquita. Conservation Biology
- Jorgensen et al. 2016. Assessing spatial covariance among time series of abundance. Ecology and Evolution
- Krause et al. 2016. Summer diving and haul-out behavior of leopard seals (Hydurga leptonyx) near mesopredator breeding colonies at Livingston Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Mammal Science
- Lehman et al. 2016. Relationships between Chinook Salmon swimming performance and water quality in the San Joaquin River, California. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
- Lenz et al. 2016. Skeletochronological estimation of age and growth of loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) in the western South Atlantic Ocean. Austral Ecology
- Lin et al. 2016. It's a bear market: evolutionary and ecological effects of predation on two wild sockeye salmon populations. Heredity
- McNatt et al. 2016. Residency and movement of juvenile Chinook salmon at multiple spatial scales in a tidal marsh of the Columbia River estuary. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
- Miller et al. 2016. Genet-specific spawning patterns in Acropora palmata. Coral Reefs
- Miller et al. 2016. Reef-scale trends in Florida Acropora spp. abundance and the effects of population enhancement. PeerJ
- Morley et al. 2016. Seasonal variation exceeds effects of salmon carcass additions on benthic food webs in the Elwha River. Ecosphere
- Moser et al. 2016. Biology and life history of green sturgeon (Acipenser medirostris): state of the science. Journal of Applied Ichthyology
- Patel et al. 2016. Climate impacts on sea turtle breeding phenology in Greece and associated foraging habitats in the wider Mediterranean Region. PLoS One
- Peters et al. 2016. Changes in streambed composition in salmonid spawning habitat of the Elwha River during dam removal. Journal of the American Water Resources Association
- Piacenza et al. 2016. Trends and variability in demographic indicators of a recovering population of green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas). Endangered Species Research
- Roegner et al. 2016. Comparative use by Pacific salmon of shallow and deepwater habitats in the Columbia River estuary prior to ocean entry. Journal of Marine and Coastal Fisheries: Dynamics, Management, and Ecosystem Science
- Ruzicka et al. 2016. Evidence that summer jellyfish blooms impact Pacific Northwest salmon production. Ecosphere
- Sabal et al. 2016. Contrasting patterns in growth and survival of Central Valley fall run Chinook salmon related to hatchery and ocean conditions. Environmental Biology of Fishes
- Sather et al. 2016. Shallow tidal freshwater habitats of the Columbia River: spatial and temporal variability of fish communities and density, size, and genetic stock composition of juvenile Chinook Salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
- Sinclair et al. 2016. Extended movements of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) along the northern Gulf of Mexico's central coast. Gulf of Mexico Science
- Wall et al. 2016. Design and monitoring of woody structures and their benefits to juvenile steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using a net rate of energy intake model. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- Yasumiishi et al. 2016. Trends and factors influencing the length, compensatory growth, and size-selective mortality of juvenile Bristol Bay, Alaska, sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) at sea. Marine and Coastal Fisheries
- Arthur et al. 2017. Winter habitat predictions of a key Southern Ocean predator, the Antarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus gazella). Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
- Avens et al. 2017. Variability in age and size at maturation, reproductive longevity, and long-term growth dynamics for Kemp’s ridley sea turtles in the Gulf of Mexico. PLoS One
- Beckman et al. 2017. The impact of different hatchery rearing environments on smolt to adult survival of spring Chinook Salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
- Cordoleani et al. 2017. Movement and survival of wild Chinook salmon smolts from Butte Creek during their out-migration to the ocean: comparison of a dry versus wet year. Transactions of the American Fishery Society
- Daly et al. 2017. Anomalous ocean conditions in 2015: impacts on spring Chinook salmon and their prey field. Marine Ecology Progress Series
- Gaos et al. 2017. Living on the edge: hawksbill turtle nesting and conservation along the eastern Pacific Rim. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research
- Gustafson et al. 2017. A systematic surveillance program for infectious salmon anemia virus supports its absence in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. Journal of Fish Diseases
- Hornsby et al. 2017. Using salinity to identify common bottlenose dolphin habitat in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, USA. Endangered Species Research
- Hovel et al. 2017. Within-lake heterogeneity mediates community response to warming trends. Ecology
- Huntington et al. 2017. Facilitation in Caribbean coral reefs: high densities of staghorn coral foster greater coral condition and reef fish composition. Oecologia
- Johnson et al. 2017. Framework for increasing the science and management value of life stage monitoring networks for endangered Sacramento River winter run Chinook salmon in California’s regulated rivers and coastal ocean. San Francisco Estuary & Watershed Science
- Lenz et al. 2017. Age and growth of juvenile green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the western South Atlantic Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series
- Lopez Arriaza et al. 2017. Size-conditional smolting and the response of Carmel River steelhead to two decades of conservation efforts. PLoS One
- McHugh et al. 2017. Linking models across scales to assess the viability and restoration potential of a threatened population of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Middle Fork John Day River, Oregon, USA. Ecological Modelling
- Moore et al. 2017. Population, habitat, and marine location effects on early marine survival and migration behavior of Puget Sound steelhead smolts. Ecosphere
- Mora et al. 2017. Estimating the annual spawning run-size and population size of the Southern Distinct Population Segment of Green Sturgeon Acipenser medirostris. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
- Muradian et al. 2017. Bayesian stock assessment of Pacific herring in Prince William Sound, Alaska. PLoS One
- Pace et al. 2017. State-space mark-recapture estimates reveal a recent decline in abundance of North Atlantic right whales. Ecology and Evolution
- Sampson et al. 2017. Trophic ecology of green turtle Chelonia mydas juveniles in the Colombian Pacific. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
- Satterthwaite et al. 2017. Ocean size and corresponding life history diversity among the four run timings of California Central Valley Chinook salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
- Stone et al. 2017. A five-year, in situ growth study on shallow-water populations of the gorgonian octocoral (Calcigorgia spiculifera) in the Gulf of Alaska. PLoS One
- Tatara et al. 2017. Age and method of release affect migratory performance of hatchery steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). North American Journal of Fisheries Management
- Taylor et al. 2017. Extinction is imminent for Mexico's endemic porpoise unless fishery bycatch is eliminated. Conservation Letters
- Tolimieri et al. 2017. Population assessment using multivariate time‐series analysis: a case study of rockfishes in Puget Sound. Ecology and Evolution
- Vega et al. 2017. Marine-entry timing and growth rates of juvenile Chum Salmon in Alaskan water of the Chukchi and northern Bering seas. Deep Sea Research Part 11: Topical studies in Oceanography
- Vizza et al. 2017. Evaluating the consequences of salmon nutrients for riparian organisms: linking condition metrics to stable isotopes. Ecology and Evolution
- Waples et al. 2017. Human-mediated evolution in a threatened species? Juvenile life-history changes in Snake River salmon. Evolutionary Applications
- Wathen et al. 2017. An assessment of the geographic closure assumption in mark-recapture abundance estimates of anadromous steelhead populations. North American Journal of Fisheries Management
- Weijerman et al. 2017. A comparative application of trophic ecosystem models to evaluate drivers of endangered Hawaiian monk seal populations. Marine Ecology Progress Series
- Williams et al. 2017. Thermal stress exposure, bleaching response, and mortality in the threatened coral Acropora palmata. Marine Pollution Bulletin
- Willmes et al. 2017. Fishery collapse, recovery, and the cryptic decline of wild salmon on a major California river. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- Andrews et al. 2018. Cooperative research sheds light on the listing status of threatened and endangered rockfish species. Conservation Genetics
- Avens and Dell’Amico. 2018. Evaluating viability of sea turtle foraging populations at high latitudes: age and growth of juveniles along the French Atlantic coast. Endangered Species Research
- Bal et al. 2018. Characterizing the strength of density dependence in at-risk species through Bayesian model averaging. Ecological Modelling
- Balmer et al. 2018. Long-term trends in a northern Gulf of Mexico common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) population in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management
- Braun McNeill et al. 2018. Trends in fishery-dependent captures of sea turtles in a western North Atlantic foraging region. Endangered Species Research
- Chittaro et al. 2018. Variability in the performance of juvenile Chinook salmon is explained primarily by when and where they resided in estuarine habitats. Ecology of Fresh Water Fish
- Ford et al. 2018. Inbreeding in an endangered killer whale population. Animal Conservation
- Gaos et al. 2018. Prevalence of polygyny in a critically endangered marine turtle population. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
- Gillis et al. 2018. Foraging ecology and diet selection of juvenile green turtles in the Bahamas: insights from stable isotope analysis and prey mapping. Marine Ecology Progress Series
- Hill et al. 2018. Short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus) of the Mariana Archipelago: individual affiliations, movements, and spatial use. Marine Mammal Science
- Hinke et al. 2018. Estimating nest-level phenology and reproductive success of colonial seabirds using time-lapse cameras. Methods in Ecology and Evolution
- Jensen et al. 2018. Environmental warming and feminisation of one of the largest sea turtle populations in the world. Current Biology
- Leslie and Morin 2018. Structure and phylogeography of two tropical predators, spinner (Stenella longirostris) and pantropical spotted (S. attenuata) dolphins, from SNP data. Royal Society Open Science
- Michel. 2018. Decoupling outmigration from marine survival indicates outsized influence of streamflow on cohort success for California’s Chinook salmon populations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
- Murakawa and Stover 2018. Impact of exceptional growth rates on estimations of life-stage duration in Hawaiian green sea turtles. Endangered Species Research
- Pitman et al. 2018. Abundance and population status of Ross Sea killer whales (Orcinus orca, type C) in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica: evidence for impact by commercial fishing? Polar Biology
- Shertzer et al. 2018. Characterizing sex ratios of sea turtle populations: a Bayesian mixture modeling approach applied to juvenile loggerheads (Caretta caretta). Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
- Tucker et al. 2018. Revised clutch frequency estimates for Masirah Island loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta). Herpetological Conservation and Biology
- Turner Tomaszewicz et al. 2018. Expanding the coastal forager paradigm: long-term pelagic habitat use by green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the eastern Pacific Ocean. Marine Ecology Progress Series
- Barraza et al. 2019. Trace metals in green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) inhabiting two southern California coastal estuaries. Chemosphere
- Baylis et al. 2019. Re-evaluating the population size of South American fur seals in the Atlantic and conservation techniques. Aquatic Conservation
- Michel et al. 2019. Limitations of active removal to manage predatory fish population. North American Journal of Fisheries Management
- Piovano et al. 2019. Mixed stock analysis of juvenile green turtles aggregating at two foraging grounds in Fiji reveals major contribution from the American Samoa Management Unit. Scientific Reports
- Shelden et al. 2019. Reproductive status of female beluga whales from the endangered Cook Inlet population. Marine Mammal Science
- Shelden et al. 2019. Breeding and calving seasonality in the endangered Cook Inlet beluga whale population: application of captive fetal growth curves to fetuses and newborns in the wild. Marine Mammal Science
- Sinclair et al. 2019. The diet of free-ranging male Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) in the eastern Bering Sea: a retrospective analysis based on stomach contents of an endangered pinniped. Canadian Journal of Zoology
- Stevick et al. 2019. Migratory destinations and timing of humpback whales in the southeastern Caribbean differ from those off the Dominican Republic. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management
- Taylor et al. 2019. Likely annual calving in the vaquita, Phocoena sinus: A new hope? Marine Mammal Science
- Vos et al. 2019. Age and growth analyses for the endangered belugas in Cook Inlet, Alaska. Marine Mammal Science
- Webster et al. 2019. Temporal variation in the vocal behaviour of southern right whales in the Auckland Islands, New Zealand. The Royal Society Open Science