Detailed Dealer Reporting Statistics
October 10, 2019
Provides Gulf and South Atlantic Dealer permit holders to verify their records.
This information is provided as a service to interested persons. This report displays the SERO permit number and primary contact name associated with the current Gulf and South Atlantic Dealer (GSAD) permit during the selected period of time. The data from which these results were tabulated and submitted to the Southeast Fisheries Science Center (SEFSC) in fulfillment of the GSAD reporting requirements and is the best information currently available to the Center.
The SEFSC assumes no responsibility for the reliability or timeliness of any data in this system. The SEFSC shall not be held liable for losses caused by use of this information. Although the data is refreshed on a periodic basis, any person or entity who uses any information obtained from this system does so with this understanding and acceptance.
GSAD permit holders are encouraged to verify their records to ensure all required data have been submitted to the SEFSC.