Alaska Marine Mammal Observer Program Southeast Alaska Salmon Drift Gillnet Fishery 2010-2013
April 13, 2010
Alaska Marine Mammal Observer Program overview for 2010-2013 and beyond in the Southeast Alaska drift gillnet fishery.
The Southeast Alaska salmon drift gillnet fishery is subject to monitoring of marine mammal interactions, based in large part on past levels of humpback whales takes. Fishing operations in the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) Management Areas 6&8 for this fishery will be monitored together during the 2012 and 2013 fishing seasons. Operations in this fishery in the remaining ADF&G Management Areas will be monitored in subsequent years.
There are five ADF&G Districts in the Southeast Alaska drift gillnet fishery:
- Tree Point
- Prince of Wales
- Stikine
- Taku/Snettisham
- Lynn Canal
In addition, some fishing is permitted in terminal harvest areas that are adjacent to hatchery facilities. Some is also permitted for hatchery cost recovery, and some is permitted at Annette Island. The Annette Island Fishery Reserve was established by a Presidential Proclamation in 1916. It provides a 3,000 foot offshore zone where the reserve natives have exclusive fishing rights. Most salmon caught by drift gillnets are from the five main fishing areas and the terminal harvest areas, with smaller contributions from Annette Island, and hatchery cost recovery.