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Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Research: Study of Physical and Biological Factors that Impact the Beluga’s Population

November 01, 2013

This the Final Project Report from a study on the impact of climate parameters on the Cook Inlet beluga whale population. This study aimed to better understand beluga movement, survival strategies, and interaction with the environment.

The objective of the study is to collect and analyze various physical and biological data from Cook Inlet (CI), in particular within the Kenai Peninsula Borough. It also analyzes the impact of environmental and climatic parameters on the Cook Inlet Beluga Whale (CIBW) population. The driving force behind this study is the fact that the CIBW (Delphinapterus leucas) is genetically distinct from the other beluga stocks. It is also geographically isolated and confined to its habitat in the Inlet. Hence the necessity to understand the environmental factors that may prevent recovering of the CIBW population. (The CIBW population is ~300 today, compared with 1000s estimated in the past). As a result, CIBW were listed as endangered under the US Endangered Species Act in 2008. Our study aimed at better understanding of the beluga movement, survival strategies and interaction with the environment.

Last updated by Alaska Regional Office on 11/14/2022

Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Research