EA/RIR for an Amendment to Regulations Implementing the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska Changes to Gulf of Alaska Steller Sea Lion Protection Measures
This Environmental Assessment/Regulatory Impact Review examines a suite of measures to change Steller Sea Lion protection measures in the Gulf of Alaska.
This Assessment/Review addresses the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act for assessment of the likely impacts of modification of the Steller sea lion (SSL) protection measures that affect pollock trawl or Pacific cod pot fisheries around Puale Bay and Cape Douglas/Shaw Island, Kak Island, and Castle Rock.
These measures could provide economic relief to Gulf of Alaska (GOA) groundfish fisheries and local fishery-dependent communities, without being likely to adversely affect the endangered western distinct population segment of Steller Sea Lions or its designated critical habitat. These changes include:
- revising the closure areas around four Steller Sea Lion haulouts in the GOA
- revising procedures for pollock total allowable catch rollover
- eliminating certain stand-down periods between seasons in the pollock fishery.