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Pacific Islands Regional Action Plan To Implement the NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy Through 2024

June 21, 2023

This updated Pacific Islands Regional Action Plan identifies climate-related actions to address the seven NCSS objectives and regional needs through 2024

Changing climate and oceans are affecting the nation’s valuable living marine resources and the many people, businesses, and communities that depend on them. Warming oceans, rising seas, extreme events, and acidification are impacting the structure of marine and coastal ecosystems and the distribution and abundance of species in many regions. These impacts are expected to increase and there is much at risk.

To prepare for and respond to climate impacts on marine and coastal resources, the NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy (NCSS) identifies seven key objectives to increase the production, delivery, and use of climate-related information needed to fulfill the agency’s mandates

The NCSS 5-year Progress Report summarizes actions and accomplishments in implementing the RAPs through 2020. The Pacific Islands Regional Action Plan (PIRAP) was developed to address the effects of climate change that are already evident across the Pacific Islands region.

Woodworth-Jefcoats P, Jacobs A, Ahrens R, Barkley H, Barlow A, Bolen L, Carvalho F, Chung A, Crigler E, DeMello J, Fitchett M, Fox M, Asuka I, Larin P, Lumsden B, Makaiau J, McGregor M, Oliver T, O?Malley J, Richards B, Robinson S, Sabater M, Sculley M, Seeley M, Sweeney J, Tanaka K, Taylor K, Yamada Z. 2023. Pacific Islands Regional Action Plan to Implement the NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy Through 2024. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NOAA-TM-NMFS-PIFSC-142, 35 p.  https://doi.org/10.25923/2jjs-tx42.

Last updated by Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center on 07/18/2023