RIR for Proposed Amendment 120 to the FMPs for the Groundfish Fishery of the BSAI and Amendment 108 to the GOA Catcher/processor Mothership Restrictions in the BSAI and the GOA when taking Directed Non-CDQ Pacific cod Deliveries from Trawl Catcher Vessels
Limits to the amount of BSAI non-CDQ Pacific cod that can be delivered to certain catcher/processors by trawl catcher vessels.
This Regulatory Impact Review analyzes management measures that limit certain Amendment 80 and American Fisheries Act catcher/processors acting as motherships when receiving Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) non-community development quota (CDQ) Pacific cod deliveries from trawl catcher vessels. The action considered limiting the amount of BSAI non-CDQ Pacific cod that can be delivered to certain catcher/processors by trawl catcher vessels. The proposed action would prohibit certain catcher/processors that are retired from LAPP programs from acting as a mothership in the BSAI or Gulf of Alaska Pacific cod fisheries. The objective of this proposed action is to be a first step towards improving prosecution of the non-CDQ Pacific cod trawl fishery by limiting deliveries to catcher/processors acting as a mothership in the Pacific cod fisheries.
Appendix 1: Secretarial Review Draft Social Impact Assessment: Catcher/Processor Mothership Restrictions in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands and the Gulf of Alaska when taking Directed Non-CDQ Pacific Cod Deliveries from Trawl Catcher Vessels