Status Review for 5 species of Foreign Sturgeon : Adriatic sturgeon, European Sturgeon, Chinese Sturgeon, Sakhalin Sturgeon, Kaluga Sturgeon
January 01, 2013
This report is the status review for five species of foreign sturgeon. This report summarizes the best available data and information on these species and presents an evaluation of their status and extinction risk.
This status review report was conducted in response to a petition received from WildEarth Guardians and Friends of Animals on March 12, 2012 to list 15 species of foreign sturgeon as endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). It was determined that five of these species fell within NMFS’ jurisdiction: Adriatic sturgeon, European Sturgeon, Chinese Sturgeon, Sakhalin Sturgeon, Kaluga Sturgeon. This status review interprets the best available information available on these five sturgeon species, and is used to evaluate their status in the context of consideration for ESA listing.