Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management Strategy Review for Georges Bank
April 30, 2020
Center for Independent Experts Program Review
Northeast Fisheries Science Center
Woods Hole, MA 02543
April 30, 2018 - May 3, 2018
The New England Fisheries Management Council explores options for ecosystem-based fishery management. As part of that process in 2018, the council requested a peer review of a proposed management procedure, including the models used to test that procedure. An ecosystem-based approach to management (EBFM) would allow a variety of factors — from fishery stock status to ecosystem conditions to human dimensions — to be considered in developing fishery management decisions.
The research-track program review used a prototype fishery ecosystem plan for Georges Bank to illustrate how applying the proposed EBFM strategy and conceptual framework could provide information needed by the New England Fishery Management Council. Information on the structure and function of the Georges Bank ecosystem, as well as the prototype ecosystem plan, was presented to external peer reviewers by scientists from NOAA Fisheries and research partners in the region.
This review addressed the council’s resolution to evaluate examples of fisheries management measures. These measures include control rules supporting the council’s Fishery Ecosystem Plan initiative and the operating models and supporting data for those worked examples. The review evaluated simulation studies assessing management procedures based on specific system-level catch ceilings and associated measures.
The peer reviewers evaluated simulation studies conducted to assess the performance of this management procedure as well as the data to support such a procedure. The results have helped shape the way forward for the council as it explores use of fishery ecosystem plans for the Northeast.
Reports, Materials and Publications
Final Report
Program Review
Review Panelists
- Lisa Kerr, Panel Chair - Gulf of Maine Research Institute
- Villy Christensen - University of British Columbia
- Daniel Howell - Institute of Marine Research, Bergen Norway
- Keith Brander - Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby Denmark (retired)
Relevant Publications
- Aggregate surplus production models for demersal fishery resources of the Gulf of Maine
- Assembly rules for aggregate-species production models: simulations in support of management strategy evaluation
- Using an aggregate production simulation model with ecological interactions to explore effects of fishing and climate on a fish community
- Comparative analyses of surplus production dynamics of functional feeding groups across 12 northern hemisphere marine ecosystems