A Large Aerobic Scope and Complex Regulatory Abilities Confer Hypoxia Tolerance in Larval Toadfish Across a Wide Thermal Range
This study examines the oxygen demands and tolerance of larval and juvenile toadfish across a range of temperatures.
We found that larval toadfish have a surprisingly wide aerobic scope and can survive severe hypoxia (lack of oxygen) for hours. Comparing their physiological traits with environmental conditions in Florida Bay suggests that larval toadfish have adapted to survive hypoxia across different seasons, shedding light on their remarkable survival strategy.
LeeAnn Frank, Joseph Serafy, and Martin Grosell. 2023. A large aerobic scope and complex regulatory abilities confer hypoxia tolerance in larval toadfish, Opsanus beta, across a wide thermal range. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 899, 2023, 165491, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165491.