Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee Documents
Peer-reviewed stock assessments performed by Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee, a collaboration between U.S. and Canadian scientists.
The Transboundary Resource Assessment Committee (TRAC) was established in 1998 to peer review assessments of shared fishery resources across the U.S. and Canada boundary in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank region. The committee is made up of staff from the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and NOAA's Northeast Fisheries Science Center. This international committee provides scientific advice to ensure that the management efforts of both countries, pursued either independently or cooperatively, are founded on a common understanding of fishery resource status.
Eastern Georges Bank Haddock TRAC Status Report. 2022/01, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder TRAC Status Report. 2022/02, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Cod TRAC Status Report. 2022/03, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Cod TRAC Status Report. 2022/01, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Haddock TRAC Status Report. 2022/02, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder TRAC Status Report. 2022/03, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Allocation Shares for Canada and the USA of the Transboundary Resources of Atlantic Cod, Haddock, and Yellowtail Flounder on Georges Bank Through Fishing Year 2023, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Proceedings of the 2022 Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee for Eastern Georges Bank Cod and Haddock, and Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder, Proceedings Series 2022/001, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Cod TRAC Status Report. 2021/01, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank haddock TRAC Status Report. 2021/02, Transboundary Assessment Committee
Georges Bank yellowtail flounder TRAC Status Report. 2021/03, Transboundary Assessment Committee
Allocation shares for Canada and the USA of the transboundary resources of Atlantic cod, haddock, and yellowtail flounder on Georges Bank through fishing year 2022. Andrushchenko IA, EN Brooks, CM Legault, Transboundary Assessment Committee.
Eastern Georges Bank Cod TRAC Status Report. 2020/01, Transboundary Assessment Committee.
Eastern Georges Bank Haddock TRAC Status Report. 2020/02, Transboundary Assessment Committee.
Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder TRAC Status Report. 2020/03, Transboundary Assessment Committee
Update of allocation shares for Canada and the USA of the transboundary resources of Atlantic cod, haddock, and yellowtail flounder on Georges Bank through fishing year 2021. 2020/01, Transboundary Assessment Committee. Barrett MA, EN Brooks.
Eastern Georges Bank Haddock TRAC Status Report. 2019/02, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Georges Bank yellowtail flounder TRAC Status Report. 2019/03, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Alternative Methodologies for Providing Interim Catch Advice for Eastern Georges Bank Cod TRAC. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee Andrushchenko I, Legault CM, Barrett M.
Georges Bank yellowtail flounder estimates from VIMS industry-based scallop dredge surveys of Closed Area II and surrounds. 2019/06, Roman SA, Rudders DB
Data update for Eastern Georges Bank Cod in 2019. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Proceedings of the 2019 Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee for Eastern Georges Bank Cod and Haddock, and Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Transboundary Management Guidance Document. Transboundary Management Guidance Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Cod TRAC Status Report. 2018/01, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Haddock TRAC Status Report. 2018/02; Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Georges Bank yellowtail flounder TRAC Status Report. 2018/03, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Update of allocation shares for Canada and the USA of the transboundary resources of Atlantic cod, haddock, and yellowtail flounder on Georges Bank through fishing year 2019. 2018/04, Barrett M, Brooks E.
Eastern Georges Bank cod TRAC Status Report. 2017/01, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank haddock TRAC Status Report. 2017/02, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Georges Bank yellowtail flounder TRAC Status Report. 2017/03, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank cod TRAC Status Report. 2016/01, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank haddock TRAC Status Report. 2016/02, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Georges Bank yellowtail flounder TRAC Status Report. 2016/03, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Stock assessment of Georges Bank yellowtail flounder for 2016. Legault CM, Busawon D.
Proceedings of the Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee for Eastern Georges Bank Cod and Haddock and Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder: Report of Meeting held 12-14 July 2016. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank cod TRAC Status Report. 2015/01, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank haddock TRAC Status Report. 2015/02 (revised), Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Georges Bank yellowtail flounder TRAC Status Report. 2015/03; Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Update of allocation shares for Canada and the USA of the transboundary resources of Atlantic cod, haddock, and yellowtail flounder on Georges Bank through fishing year 2016. Busawon DS, O'Brien L, Stone HH, Clark KJ.
Assessment of haddock on Eastern Georges Bank for 2015 Stone HH, Brooks EN, Busawon D, Wang Y. 2015
Stock assessment of Georges Bank yellowtail flounder for 2015. 2015/01, Legault CM, Alade L, Busawon D, Stone HH.
Proceedings of the Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee for Eastern Georges Bank Cod and Haddock, and Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder: Report of Meeting held 7-9 July 2015. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank haddock for 2014. Van Eeckhaute L, Brooks EN.
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Atlantic cod for 2014. Wang Y, O'Brien L, Stone HH, Gross WE.
Stock assessment of Georges Bank yellowtail flounder for 2014. Legault CM, Alade L, Gross WE, Stone HH.
Estimates of natural mortality for flatfish in the Northwest Atlantic: A comparison of model predicted estimates. Then AY, Brooks EN.
Evaluating age and length composition data for inference about selectivity shape. Brooks EN, Politis PJ.
Update of allocation shares for Canada and the USA of the transboundary resources of Atlantic cod, haddock, and yellowtail flounder on Georges Bank through fishing year 2015. Gross WE, O'Brien L, Stone HH, Van Eeckhaute L
Estimates of natural mortality for flatfish in the Northwest Atlantic: A comparison of model predicted estimates Then AY, Brooks EN.
Evaluating age and length composition data for inference about selectivity shape TRAC Ref Doc 2014/17.Brooks EN, Politis PJ.
Update of allocation shares for Canada and the USA of the transboundary resources of Atlantic cod, haddock, and yellowtail flounder on Georges Bank through fishing year 2015 Gross WE, O'Brien L, Stone HH, Van Eeckhaute L.
Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder Status Report. 2013/01, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Cod Status Report. 2013/02, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Haddock Status Report. 2013/03, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Stock Assessment of Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder for 2013. Legault, C.M., L. Alade, W.E. Gross, and H.H. Stone.
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Cod. Wang, Y., and L. O'Brien.
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Haddock for 2013 Van Eeckhaute, L., and E.N. Brooks
A Review of the Standardization of Effort for the Calculation of Discards of Atlantic Cod, Haddock and Yellowtail Flounder from the 2005 to 2011 Canadian Scallop Fishery on Georges Bank. TRAC. Sameoto, J., B. Hubley, L. Van Eeckhaute, and A. Reeves.
Update of Allocation Shares for Canada and the U.S. of the Transboundary Resources of Atlantic Cod, Haddock and Yellowtail Flounder on Georges Bank Through Fishing Year 2014. Stone, H.H., L. O'Brien, and L. Van Eeckhaute.
Benchmark Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua). Wang, Y., and L. O’Brien. 2013.
A Statistical Catch at Age Stock Assessment Model of Eastern Georges Bank Atlantic Cod (Gadus morhua). O’Brien, L., and Y. Wang.
Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder (Revised). Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Cod (Revised). Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Haddock. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Haddock for 2012.Van Eeckhaute, L., E.N. Brooks, and S.C. Hansen.
Stock Assessment of Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder for 2012.Legault, C.M., L. Alade, H.H. Stone, and W.E. Gross.
Examination of Yellowtail Flounder Ages in NEFSC Scallop Survey: Can Age-length Keys be Borrowed from other Surveys? Legault, C.M., and S. Emery.
An Alternative Stratification to Estimate Yellowtail Flounder Discards in the U.S. Scallop Fishery. Hart, D.R., and C.M. Legault.
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Atlantic Cod for 2012. TRAC Reference Document Wang, Y., and L. O'Brien.
Update of Allocation Shares for Canada and the U.S. of the Transboundary Resources of Atlantic Cod, Haddock and Yellowtail Flounder on Georges Bank Through Fishing Year 2013. Stone, H.H., L. O'Brien, and L. Van Eeckhaute.
Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder
Eastern Georges Bank Haddock (Revised)
Stock Assessment of Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder for 2011. Legault, C.M., L. Alade, and H.H. Stone.
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Atlantic Cod for 2011. Wang, Y., L. O'Brien, K. Clark, and B. Hatt.
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Haddock for 2011 (Erratum). Van Eeckhaute, L., and E.N. Brooks.
Update of Allocation Shares for Canada and the U.S. of the Transboundary Resources of Atlantic Cod, Haddock and Yellowtail Flounder on Georges Bank Through Fishing Year 2012.Van Eeckhaute, L., and L. O'Brien.
Discards of Atlantic Cod, Haddock and Yellowtail Flounder from the 2010 Canadian Scallop Fishery on Georges Bank. Van Eeckhaute, L., Y. Wang, J. Sameoto, and A. Glass.
Survey Design Efficiency of DFO and NEFSC Surveys for Cod, Haddock, and Yellowtail Flounder on Georges Bank. Legault, C.M.
Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder
Stock Assessment of Atlantic Mackerel in the Northwest Atlantic - 2009. Deroba, J., G. Shepherd, F. Grégoire, J. Nieland, and P. Rago,
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Atlantic Cod for 2010. Clark, K., P. Emery, L. O'Brien, Y. Wang, and B. Hatt.
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Haddock for 2010. Van Eeckhaute, L., and E.N. Brooks.
Stock Assessment of Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder for 2010. Legault, C.M., L. Alade, and H.H. Stone.
Sensitivity of the Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder Stock Assessment to Alternative Estimates of Discard Mortality Including Gear Dependent Sensitivity. Barkley, A., C.M. Legault, L. Alade, and S.X. Cadrin.
Determining Length-Based Calibration Factors for Cod, Haddock and Yellowtail Flounder. Brooks, E.N., T.J. Miller, C.M. Legault, L. O'Brien, K.J. Clark, S. Gavaris, and L. Van Eeckhaute.
Update of Allocation Shares for Canada and the U.S. of the Transboundary Resources of Atlantic Cod, Haddock and Yellowtail Flounder on Georges Bank Through Fishing Year 2011. Van Eeckhaute, L., and L. O'Brien..
Discards of Atlantic Cod, Haddock and Yellowtail Flounder from the 2009 Canadian Scallop Fishery on Georges Bank. Van Eeckhaute, L., J. Sameoto, and A. Glass.
Exploratory Analysis of Fishery Data for Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder. Hyun, S.-Y., S.X. Cadrin, and S. Roman.
Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Atlantic Cod for 2009. Wang, Y., L. O'Brien, K. Clark, S. Gavaris, and B. Hatt.
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Haddock for 2009. Van Eeckhaute, L., E.N. Brooks, and M. Traver.
Stock Assessment of Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder for 2009 Legault, C.M., L. Alade, and K.J. Clark.
Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee Gulf of Maine/Georges Bank Atlantic Herring Stock Assessment Update. Shepherd, G., M. Cieri, M. Power, and W. Overholtz.
Update of Allocation Shares for Canada and the U.S. of the Transboundary Resources of Atlantic Cod, Haddock, and Yellowtail Flounder on Georges Bank Through Fishing Year 2010. Gavaris, S., L. O'Brien, and L. Van Eeckhaute.
Discards of Atlantic Cod, Haddock, and Yellowtail Flounder from the 2008 Canadian Scallop Fishery on Georges Bank. Gavaris, S., J. Sameoto, A. Glass, and I. Jonsen.
2009 Benchmark Assessment Review for Eastern Georges Bank Cod. Y. Wang, L. O’Brien, and S. Gavaris
Inter-Laboratory Ageing Exchange of Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus) Otoliths for the 2009 Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee Assessment. Grégoire, F., N. Shepherd, and S.J. Sutherland.
Calculation of the Atlantic Mackerel (Scomber scombrus L.) Spawning Biomass from the Ichthyoplankton Surveys Conducted on the West Coast of Newfoundland in July 2007 and 2008. Grégoire, F., W. Barry, J.-J. Barry, J. Barry, C. Lévesque, J.-L. Beaulier, and M.-H. Gendron.
Eastern Georges Bank Cod. 2008/01, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Haddock. 2008/02, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder. 2008/03, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Atlantic Cod for 2008. Clark, K., L. O'Brien, Y. Wang, S. Gavaris, and B. Hatt.
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Haddock for 2008. Van Eeckhaute, L. Brooks, and M. Traver.
Update of Allocation Shares for Canada and the U.S. of the Transboundary Resources of Atlantic Cod, Haddock, and Yellowtail Flounder on Georges Bank Through Fishing Year 2009. Gavaris, S., L. O'Brien, and R. Mayo.
Discards of Atlantic Cod, Haddock, and Yellowtail Flounder from the 2007 Canadian Scallop Fishery on Georges Bank. Gavaris, S., A. Glass, and I. Jonsen.
Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder. Legault, C., L. Alade, H. Stone, S. Gavaris, and C. Waters. 2008.
Accuracy and precision exercises associated with 2006 TRAC production aging. Sutherland SJ, Shepherd NL, Pregracke SE, Burnett JM.
Eastern Georges Bank Cod. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Haddock. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Update of Allocation Shares for Canada and the U.S. of the Transboundary Resources of Atlantic Cod, Haddock, and Yellowtail Flounder on Georges Bank Through Fishing Year 2008. Gavaris, S., L. O'Brien, and R. Mayo.
Discards of Cod from the 2006 Canadian Groundfish Fishery on Eastern Georges Bank. Gavaris, S., L. Van Eeckhaute, and K. Clark.
Discards of Atlantic Cod, Haddock, and Yellowtail Flounder from the 2005 and 2006 Canadian Scallop Fishery on Georges Bank.Gavaris, S., G. Robert, and L. Van Eeckhaute.
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Atlantic Cod for 2007. Gavaris, S., L. O'Brien, K. Clark, and B. Hatt.
Stock Assessment of Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder for 2007. Legault, C.M., H.H. Stone, and C. Waters.
Aging Accuracy, Precision, and Inter-laboratory Comparisons for the 2007 Assessments of Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder and Eastern Georges Bank Cod and Haddock. Sutherland, S.J., L. Van Eeckhaute, B. Hatt, N. Munroe, S.E. Pregracke, N.L. Shepherd, and J.M. Burnett.
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Haddock for 2007. Van Eeckhaute, L., M. Traver, and R. Mayo.
Stock Assessment of Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder for 2006. 2006/01 Christopher M. Legault, Heath H. Stone, and Kirsten J. Clark
Eastern Georges Bank Haddock. 2006/02, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder. 2006/03, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Cod. 2006/04, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Accuracy and precision exercises associated with 2005 TRAC production aging. Sutherland SJ, Munroe NJ, Silva V, Pregracke SE, Burnett JM. 2006
Stock Assessment of Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder for 2006. Legault, C.M., H.H. Stone, and K.J. Clark.
Length Composition Comparisons of U.S. and Canadian Fishery Catches for Atlantic Cod, Haddock and Yellowtail Flounder. Gavaris, S., R. Mayo, J. Brodziak, J. Hunt, C. Legault, L. O'Brien, H. Stone, and L. Van Eeckhaute.
Update of Allocation Shares for Canada and the U.S. of the Transboundary Resources of Atlantic Cod, Haddock, and Yellowtail Flounder on Georges Bank Through Fishing Year 2007.Gavaris, S., R. Mayo, and L. O'Brien.
Estimation of Cod, Haddock and Yellowtail Flounder Discards from the Canadian Georges Bank Scallop Fishery for 2005. Van Eeckhaute, L., and S. Gavaris.
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Cod for 2006. Gavaris, S., L. O'Brien, B. Hatt, and K. Clark.
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank Cod for 2006. Gavaris, S., L. O'Brien, B. Hatt, and K. Clark.
Eastern Georges Bank Cod. 2005/01, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Haddock. 2005/02, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder. 2005/03, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Population Status of Eastern Georges Bank Cod (Unit Areas 5Zj,m) for 1978-2006. Hunt, J.J., L. O'Brien, and B. Hatt.
Population Status of Eastern Georges Bank Cod. 2005/01
Estimation of Cod, Haddock and Yellowtail Flounder Discards from the Canadian Georges Bank Scallop Fishery for 1960 to 2004. Van Eeckhaute, L., S. Gavaris, and H.H. Stone.
Assessment of Haddock on Eastern Georges Bank. Van Eeckhaute, L., and J. Brodziak.
Stock Assessment of Georges Bank (5Zhjmn) Yellowtail Flounder for 2005. Stone, H.H., and C.M. Legault.
An Approach to Estimating the Size and Age Composition of Discarded Yellowtail Flounder from the Canadian Scallop Fishery on Georges Bank, Stone, H.H., and S. Gavaris.
Update of Allocation Shares for Canada and the U.S. of the Transboundary Resources of Atlantic Cod, Haddock, and Yellowtail Flounder on Georges Bank Through Fishing Year 2006. Gavaris, S., R. Mayo, and L. O'Brien.
Eastern Georges Bank Cod. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Haddock. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Computation of allocation shares for Canada and the USA of the transboundary resources of Atlantic cod, haddock, and yellowtail flounder on Georges Bank. Murawski SA, Gavaris S.
Population status of eastern Georges Bank Cod (Unit Areas 5Xj,m) for 1978-2005. Hunt JJ, Hatt B, O'Brien L.
Assessment of Eastern Georges Bank haddock. 2004/01, Van Eeckhaute L, Brodziak JKT.
Proceedings of the Seventh Meeting of the Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee, Overholtz WJ.
Eastern Georges Bank Cod. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Haddock. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Stock Assessment for Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder for 2003. Stone, H
Assessment of Haddock on Eastern Georges Bank. Van Eeckhaute, L., S. Gavaris, and J. Brodziak.
Population Status of Eastern Georges Bank Cod (Unit Areas 5Zjm) for 1978-2004. Hunt, J.J., B. Hatt, and L. O'Brien.
Eastern Georges Bank Cod. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Haddock. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Yellowtail Flounder on Georges Bank. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Proceedings of the Fifth Meeting of the Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee. O'Boyle RN, Overholtz WJ, TRAC co-chairmen. 2002.
Stock Assessment of Georges Bank (5Zjmhn) Yellowtail Flounder for 2002. Stone, H.
Assessment of Haddock on Eastern Georges Bank. Gavaris, S., and L. Van Eeckhaute.
Population Status of Eastern Georges Bank Cod (Unit Areas 5Zjm) for 1978-2002. Hunt, J.J., and B. Hatt.
An Evaluation of Georges Bank Yellowtail Flounder Age Determination Based on Otolith Thin-Sections Stone, H., and P. Perley.
Eastern Georges Bank Cod. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Haddock. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Yellowtail Flounder on Georges Bank. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
TRAC advisory report on stock status - a report of the Fourth Meeting of the Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee, Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee. 2001.
Overview of Physical and Biological Oceanographic Conditions on Georges Bank. Page, F.H., R. Losier, K. Drinkwater, B. Petrie, G. Harrison, and D. Sameoto. 2001. Stone, H., C. Legault. S. Cadrin, S. Gavaris, J.D. Neilson, and P. Perley.
Stock Assessment of Georges Bank (5Zjmhn) Yellowtail Flounder for 2001.
Assessment of Haddock on Eastern Georges Bank. DFO Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Research Document. Van Eeckhaute, L., and S. Gavaris.
Population Status of Eastern Georges Bank Cod (Unit Areas 5Zjm) for 1978-2001. Hunt, J.J., and B. Hatt
Assessment of the Georges Bank Atlantic Cod Stock for 2001. O'Brien, L. and N.J. Munroe.
Eastern Georges Bank Cod. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Eastern Georges Bank Haddock. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
Yellowtail Flounder on Georges Bank. Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee
A report of the 3rd Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee Meeting: assessment of the Georges Bank Atlantic cod stock for 2000. O'Brien L, Munroe NJ.
A report of the 3rd Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee Meeting: stock assessment of Georges Bank haddock, 1931-1999. Brown RW, Munroe NJ.
A report of the 3rd Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee Meeting: assessment of the Georges Bank yellowtail flounder stock for 2000. Cadrin SX, Neilson JD, Gavaris S, Perley P.
Proceedings of the third meeting of the Transboundary Resources Assessment Committee. Clark SH Stobo W, TRAC Co-Chairmen.