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2239 resources match your filter criteria.

2023 5-Year Review: Summary & Evaluation of Southern California Steelhead

Five-year reviews describe whether recovery is on track in the context of the recovery plan, explain what the most significant accomplishments have been over the previous five years, and identify the greatest immediate challenges for species recovery.
May 02, 2023 - ESA 5-Year Review ,
Southern California Steelhead 5-Year-Review cover page

2023 5-Year Review: Summary & Evaluation of South-Central California Coast Steelhead

Five-year reviews describe whether recovery is on track in the context of the recovery plan, explain what the most significant accomplishments have been over the previous five years, and identify the greatest immediate challenges for species recovery.
May 02, 2023 - ESA 5-Year Review ,
South-Central California Coast Steelhead 5-Year-Review cover

2023 5-Year Review: Summary & Evaluation of Central California Coast Coho Salmon

Five-year reviews describe whether recovery is on track in the context of the recovery plan, explain what the most significant accomplishments have been over the previous five years, and identify the greatest immediate challenges for species recovery.
May 02, 2023 - ESA 5-Year Review ,
Central California Coast Coho Salmon 5-Year-Review cover

Biological opinion on EPA approval of water quality standards for Delaware and Maryland

In response to a request from EPA Region 2, NOAA Fisheries has prepared a biological opinion on EPA’s proposal to approve protective water quality standards for the states of Delaware and Maryland.
May 01, 2023 - Biological Opinion ,

Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council (Council) - Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center (PIFSC) - Pacific Islands Regional Office (PIRO) Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management Workshop Report

A workshop that provided the opportunity to share priorities and capabilities, as well as to listen, talk, and brainstorm activities that can be achieved in the next 510 years. 
April 24, 2023 - Technical Memo ,

Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Science in a Data-Limited Region

We suggest ways to make meaningful progress toward developing the science needed for equitable ecosystem-based fisheries management decisions in the Pacific Island Region.
April 18, 2023 - Technical Memo ,

Notice on Preventing Observer Harassment

This notice is a reminder to all vessel owners and operators of the responsibility to provide a safe working environment for fisheries observers carried on their vessels.
April 12, 2023 - Policy and Guidance ,

2022 West Coast Whale Entanglement Summary

Each year, NOAA Fisheries collects, verifies, documents, and responds to reports of large whale entanglements. The 2022 U.S. West Coast reports, and other relevant information and developments are included in this summary.
April 06, 2023 - Other Reports ,

Fisheries Economics of the United States Report

The annual report provides a summary of the economic performance of U.S. marine fisheries and related industries and their important role in our nation's economy. FEUS 2022 is the current report.

Endangered Species Act Status Review Report: Atlantic Humpback Dolphin (Sousa teuszii)

This report is the status review for the Atlantic humpback dolphin. This report summarizes the best available data and information on the species and presents an evaluation of its status and extinction risk.
April 04, 2023 - ESA Status Review ,