Climate Change
Climate Change
The changing climate and oceans have significant impacts on the nation’s valuable marine life and ecosystems, and the many communities and economies that depend on them. Scientists expect environmental changes such as warming oceans, rising sea levels, frequency and intensity of floods and droughts, and ocean acidification to increase with continued shifts in the planet’s climate system.
These environmental changes impact every aspect of our mission—from managing fisheries and aquaculture, to conserving protected resources and vital habitats. There is much at risk. For example, fisheries support more than 1.7 million jobs and $253 billion in economic activity in the United States every year. Coastal habitats provide important services including nursery areas for fish and protected species and protection for people and property from storms and flooding. Preparing for changing oceans will help sustain the nation’s valuable marine resources, fisheries, and coastal communities.
NOAA climate science is the foundation for smart policy and decision-making in a changing world. We are taking a proactive approach to increase the resilience and adaptation of marine life and the people who depend on them. Our Climate Science Strategy provides decision-makers with answers to four key questions:
- What is changing?
- Why is it changing?
- How will it change?
- How to respond?
NOAA’s climate stewardship protects our lands, waters, resources, and people. Other federal agencies, state and local governments, and businesses look to NOAA to understand how they can adapt and respond to climate change, and provide science-based services to their constituencies. And we work with partners to minimize impacts, adapt to the changes that are coming, and ensure future generations can enjoy the benefits of healthy marine ecosystems.
1 football field per hour
Communities and economies in southern states are also being impacted by changing climate and ocean conditions. Louisiana loses a football-field-size area of coastal wetlands to the sea every hour due to rising seas and sinking lands.
$244.1 billion in economic activity and 1.74 million jobs
Climate change is already having a profound effect on life in the oceans. Droughts, floods, rising seas, ocean acidification, and warming oceans are changing the productivity of our waters and areas where wildlife live, spawn, and feed. There is much at risk—marine fisheries and seafood industries supported $244.1 billion in economic activity and 1.74 million jobs in 2017.
A rate of about 44 miles per decade
A number of marine species are shifting poleward at a rate of about 44 miles per decade. Many species are moving towards cooler regions as their environment warms. For marine species, this often means moving towards higher latitudes or into deeper waters. They are moving 5–10 times faster than terrestrial species. This causes issues for fishers and fishing communities that depend on them for their livelihoods. Global average sea level rise has risen by about 7–8 inches since 1900. Almost half of this rise has occurred since 1993 as oceans have warmed and land-based ice has melted. Relative to the year 2000, sea level rise is likely to rise 1–4 feet by the end of the century.
$140 billion by 2100
The loss of the recreational benefits alone from coral reefs in the United States expected by 2100. Coral reefs, which provide shoreline protection and support fisheries and recreation, are threatened by ocean warming and acidification. Warming has led to mass bleaching and outbreaks of coral diseases off the coastlines of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Florida, Hawai‘i, and the U.S.-affiliated Pacific Islands.
Annual average Arctic sea ice extent has decreased between 3.5 percent and 4.1 percent per decade
The percentage of annual average Arctic sea ice extent that has decreased since the early 1980s. September sea ice extent, which is the annual minimum extent, has decreased between 10.7 percent and 15.9 percent per decade. As the climate continues to warm, it is likely that the summer Arctic will be sea ice-free within this century. This will have major impacts on the Arctic ecosystems and the people who depend on them.
NOAA Fisheries Climate Strategy
The NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy is part of a proactive approach to increase the production, delivery, and use of climate-related information needed to fulfill our mandates. The strategy identifies seven objectives to provide decision-makers with the information they need to reduce impacts and increase resilience with changing climate and ocean conditions.
Learn more about the NOAA Fisheries Climate Science Strategy
Regional Action Plans
Working with our partners, we developed regional action plans to guide how we implement our national climate science strategy in each of our regions. The goal is to provide decision-makers with the information they need to reduce impacts of changing climate and oceans and increase resilience of valuable marine resources and the people who depend on them.
Ocean Acidification
We support a NOAA-Wide Ocean Acidification Program, established by Congress in 2009, which will plan and oversee a long-term coastal and open-ocean monitoring program and lead research on the impacts of ocean acidification on marine ecosystems and the socioeconomic implications of these impacts.
Assessing the Vulnerability of Fish Stocks
Our Fish Species Climate Vulnerability Assessment Methodology provides decision-makers with information on the relative vulnerability of fish species with expected changes in climate and ocean conditions. The methodology uses information on species life history characteristics, species distributions and projected future climate, and ocean conditions to estimate the relative vulnerability of fish species to changes in abundance.
Learn more about how we assess the vulnerability of fish stocks
Understanding Our Changing Climate
Changes in our climate and our oceans are having very real and profound effects on the natural resources we depend on—including our fisheries and coastal habitats.

Understanding the Impacts
From the sea to the sun and coast to coast, NOAA is observing, measuring, monitoring, and collecting data using satellites, ships, buoys, planes, drones, sensors, and more. Our scientists work every day at sea, on shore, and in laboratories to track and forecast changes in U.S. marine ecosystems and understand their impacts. We use our Climate Science Strategy to proactively increase the production, delivery, and use of climate-related information to help guide our science and management activities. The Strategy is being implemented through regional action plans. These plans identify high priority regional climate-related information needs and actions so that we can better track, understand, project, and respond to marine ecosystem changes on a regional level.
Tracking Change
Information on current conditions—and what is changing—is critical in providing sound scientific advice for sustainable management. NOAA provides essential baseline and trend information to inform decision makers about the impacts of climate change on the ocean with data on ocean temperature, sea level, currents, species distribution, and more.
- Distribution Mapping and Analysis Portal
- Ecosystem Status Reports
- Integrated Ecosystem Assessments
- Population Assessments
Understanding Mechanisms
Understanding why and how the changing climate and oceans affects marine life—and the communities that depend on them—will help us better forecast future conditions and identify how to reduce those effects. We are building a coalition of partners to improve our understanding of how and why the changing climate and oceans impact marine ecosystems. This includes identifying the drivers of change as well as which resources and ecosystems may be most at risk and what actions might reduce risks and increase resilience.
- Climate Vulnerability Assessments
- NOAA Climate and Fisheries Adaptation Program
- NOAA MAPP Program: Modeling Climate Impacts on Marine Ecosystems
Projecting Future Conditions and Responses
NOAA Fisheries and its partners are using a variety of approaches to project how marine ecosystems and specific resources might change in the future. For example, we are looking at how the distribution and abundance of marine resources may change. We are considering how these changes may affect businesses and communities, and how to prepare and respond to these changes.
Effective resource management depends on robust information about past, current, and projected future conditions of marine ecosystems. Efforts are under way to deliver better projections to help improve stock assessments, assess risks, and evaluate best management strategies under a range of likely future climate and ocean conditions.
Climate Change Solutions
Changing climate and oceans affect nearly every aspect of our mission, from fisheries management and aquaculture, to conservation of protected resources and vital habitats.
To address these growing impacts, NOAA delivers climate services to federal agencies, states, Tribes, communities, and businesses across America. We are responsible for providing best-in-class data and information that helps people with science-based climate change solutions, especially at the local level where planning for an uncertain future is the most difficult and where decision makers may need technical support.
NOAA helps people build the capacity to recover quickly from extreme weather events and changes in climate by providing science-based decision-support tools and programs that promote sustainable fisheries, restore coastal ecosystems that minimize the impacts of storms, and provide ecological and economic benefits. Our Climate Science Strategy, Regional Climate Action Plans, and Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management Road Map will help scientists, fishermen, managers, and coastal businesses better understand what’s changing, what’s at risk, and what actions are needed to safeguard America’s valuable marine resources and resource-dependent communities. We are committed to using the best available science to inform management decisions and support climate change solutions.
Adapting Fisheries Management to Climate Change Challenges
Changing ocean conditions are affecting the location of fish stocks, the productivity of fish stocks, and the fishing industry’s interactions with bycatch, protected species, and other ocean users. Fish stocks could become less productive or move out of range of the fishermen who catch them. These shifts can cause social, economic, and other impacts on fisheries and fishing-dependent communities. As a result, fishing industries and coastal businesses can face significant challenges in preparing for and adapting to changing climate and oceans. And there is much at risk—marine fisheries and seafood industries supported more than $244.1 billion in economic activity and 1.74 million jobs in 2017.
To reduce impacts, increase resilience, and take advantage of new opportunities, NOAA uses the best available science to provide climate change solutions for fisheries management. We are exploring potential management approaches, and have identified challenges and recommendations for improving science and management. In partnership with the Regional Fishery Management Councils, Fishery Commissions, and states, we are taking steps to help fisheries prepare for and respond to changing climate and ocean conditions including:
- Ensuring well-managed fish stocks with a sustainable biomass and stock structure
- Producing regional ecosystem status reports to track and provide early warnings of climate and ecosystem changes in each region
- Using climate vulnerability assessments of major fish stocks to better understand their vulnerability and support management action
- Using scenario planning and other tools to identify effective fishery management strategies for current and future conditions
Spotlight on Science: Next Generation of Stock Assessments
Changing climate and ocean conditions directly impact the collection and analysis of data used in the stock assessment process for U.S. fisheries management. We are implementing a Next Generation Stock Assessment Enterprise framework to address a suite of new demands and challenges. This includes determining how best to account for the effects of changing ocean conditions. The goal is to ensure sustainable, well-managed stocks and stock structure using available climate information.
Spotlight on Management: Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management
Our ecosystem-based fisheries management approach is a vital tool for helping fishery managers and fishermen prepare for and adapt to climate change. It takes a holistic view of the entire ecosystem to more effectively assess the health of any given fishery. EBFM considers the impacts on fish stock productivity from social, economic, and ecological variables—such as changing ocean conditions—across multiple fisheries and habitats. It is a cornerstone of NOAA's efforts to sustainably manage the nation's marine fisheries. Our EBFM Policy and Road Map describe how we implement ecosystem-based fisheries management.
At the regional level, regional fishery management councils develop fishery ecosystem plans. These plans help fishery managers determine whether management effectively incorporates core ecosystem principles.
A Role for Aquaculture
Intensifying droughts, storms, and other climate-related events have revealed substantial vulnerabilities for land-based food production. When we look at the future of our food systems, we have to consider a growing population, a changing climate, and increasing strain on our natural resources. Aquaculture is an opportunity to complement wild harvest and sustainably increase our domestic food supply.
Building sustainable marine aquaculture—ocean farming of fish, shellfish, and seaweeds—can reduce resource pressure and present novel resilience opportunities for a changing environment. While not immune to the effects of climate change, aquaculture producers have more control of fish and shellfish raised in ocean-based farming operations. They can keep juvenile finfish and shellfish in hatcheries longer to safeguard them during the most vulnerable phase of development. And ocean-based farming operations generally require less fresh water and land resources, and produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions to produce food than land-based farming.
Additionally, aquatic crops like shellfish and seaweed provide important ecosystem services, including water filtration and the reduced ocean acidification around farm sites. Aquaculture farms can also provide habitat for fish and crustaceans, increasing an area's biodiversity and benefiting wild populations. NOAA scientists are studying the nitrogen removal that shellfish aquaculture can provide to coastal communities and seaweed’s potential to decrease carbonic acid—the main perpetrator of ocean acidification.
Aquaculture’s role in climate change resilience
Aquaculture supports the United Nations’ sustainability goals
Conserving and Rebuilding Protected Species
Climate change is affecting marine life. Warming oceans, rising sea levels, ocean acidification, droughts, and floods change the productivity of our waters. Many of the marine species we work to conserve and protect, including endangered and threatened species, are already compromised. They may be negatively impacted by these rapid environmental shifts.
NOAA’s sound science approach underlies our work addressing climate change challenges to our marine species conservation, management, and recovery mission. We are working with partners to improve our scientific understanding of the impact on protected species. And we are using the best available science to inform our recovery and conservation efforts and enhance species’ resilience and adaptation strategies. For example, we are:
- Developing a climate resilience toolkit with climate science data, maps, guidance, an expert database, and many other resources for U.S. climate change stakeholders
- Conducting climate vulnerability assessments for marine mammals and sea turtles to better understand these species’ vulnerability
- Developed guidance to inform Endangered Species Act decisions (PDF, 8 pages) in light of anticipated changes in ocean conditions
- Conducting scenario planning exercises to help identify science and management needs to support recovery actions for Atlantic salmon, North Atlantic right whales, and Puget Sound salmon
- Conducting climate-smart conservation training for NOAA staff and partners to help them learn about our marine-focused climate adaptation tools and how to incorporate them into their work
Protecting and Restoring Habitat
Climate change is accelerating habitat loss, disrupting fisheries, and increasing storm frequency and intensity. As a result, the demand and need for habitat protection and restoration solutions continues to grow. Coastal, riverine, and marine habitats provide us with countless climate resilience benefits, from nursery grounds for fish to protection from storms.
NOAA Fisheries has a long-standing history of working with partners to protect and restore coastal and marine habitat to sustain fisheries and recover protected species. This work supports climate-resilient coastal communities and the storage of carbon in coastal habitats. In addition, coastal habitat restoration supports long-term economic recovery across a diversity of sectors. A recent study found that habitat restoration created on average 15 jobs per million dollars spent. Up to 30 jobs per million dollars are created for labor-intensive restoration projects.
We provide technical and financial assistance to thousands of coastal habitat restoration projects. They support communities that rely on those habitats for flood protection, natural resources, and jobs. For example, the Southern Flow Corridor project in Tillamook County, Oregon restored tidal wetland connectivity to more than 400 acres in the Tillamook estuary. This work not only restored critical habitat for endangered Oregon Coast coho salmon but also reduced local flooding and protected more than 500 structures.
NOAA Fisheries has recently completed a climate vulnerability assessment in the Northeast to consider climate impacts on fish habitat. The results will enable resource managers to prioritize habitat research, protection, and restoration initiatives.
We also work with federal agency partners to ensure that adverse habitat impacts to the fish, wildlife, and cultural “trust” resources that NOAA conserves and manages are avoided or minimized.
Climate, Ecosystems, and Fisheries
The NOAA Climate, Ecosystems, and Fisheries Initiative (CEFI) is an effort to provide decision-makers with the information they need to prepare for and adapt to changing oceans and climate. Climate change is impacting the nation’s valuable marine and Great Lakes ecosystems—and the many people, businesses and economies that depend on them. This Initiative will establish a nation-wide decision support system (System) to provide resource managers, fishing communities, ocean industries and other decision makers with information, tools, and advice to reduce impacts and increase resilience to rapidly changing ocean conditions.
Learn more about our regional Climate, Ecosystems, and Fisheries Initiative activities
Actionable Information for Climate-Ready Decision Making
Rapidly warming oceans, rising seas, increasing acidification, and extreme events (such as marine heatwaves) are transforming the structure and function of marine ecosystems. For example, warming waters have already led to shifts in the distribution and abundance of important fish stocks and other species in many regions. This affects fisheries, fisheries management, fishing communities, aquaculture and protected species.
To address these impacts, decision-makers need:
- Reliable forecasts of future ocean conditions
- Information on what’s at risk
- Information on best strategies to reduce impacts and increase resilience
The CEFI System will provide government, business, and community decision-makers with actionable information for reducing risks and adapting to changing ocean conditions.
A $40 Million Investment Under the Inflation Reduction Act
Inflation Reduction Act funding is amplifying NOAA’s ongoing efforts to advance a climate ready nation, including resilient marine resources, businesses, and coastal communities. NOAA is investing $40 million in IRA funds to build the CEFI System in all six U.S. marine regions and the Great Lakes. Across NOAA, we are leveraging this funding to enhance our science enterprise and accelerate the collection, production, and delivery of information for climate-informed decision-making. Working with many partners, this effort will accelerate the production of:
- Ocean forecasts
- Risk assessments
- Strategies for climate-ready fisheries management, protected species conservation, protected area management, aquaculture development, energy siting and other ocean uses
The $40 million in funding will support development and implementation of three major components of the system:
- Regional Ocean Outlooks: Produce robust forecasts and projections of future conditions in U.S. ocean regions and the Great Lakes conditions for use in assessing risks and identifying resilience and adaptation strategies
- Data Portal: Provide easy access to ocean outlooks and other relevant data sets for developing climate-informed strategies and actions
- Regional Decision Support Teams: Increase delivery of future ecosystem forecasts, risk assessments, and best strategies to promote resilience and adaptation
The funding will build on a variety of NOAA investments including pilot projects in four U.S. regions—the Northeast, West Coast, Bering Sea and the Gulf of Alaska. These pilot projects are providing important building blocks for the CEFI System nationwide. It is also building on and contributing to other IRA funded efforts such as Data Modernization, Essential Data Acquisition and others. The CEFI System is an essential part of the U.S. Ocean Climate Action Plan and NOAA’s Strategic Plan for a Climate Ready Nation.
What is the CEFI Decision Support System?
The CEFI Decision Support System will provide decision-makers with early warnings, longer term projections, and actionable information to reduce risks and increase resilience of our valuable marine life and resource-dependent communities in a changing climate. The System is composed of three central components that work together to support climate-ready decision making:
Hindcasts, Forecasts, and Projections ($14.3 million)
NOAA Research is building on existing modeling systems to deliver robust near-term forecasts and longer term projections of conditions in all U.S. ocean and Great Lakes regions. This nationwide modeling system will provide the essential information for early warnings, socio-ecological projections, risk assessments, and identifying best strategies for fishery and protected species management, coastal communities, wind energy development, and aquaculture.
Data Portal and Information Hub ($1.7 million)
NOAA Research will develop a public data management system to manage, store, and provide easy access to the information produced by the CEFI ocean modeling component. This data portal will increase public access to forecasts and projections of expected future ocean and Great Lakes conditions. The information hub will provide access to additional relevant data and information, including web-based systems for analyzing and visualizing the data.
Climate-related Information, Tools and Guidance ($24 million)
NOAA Fisheries and NOAA’s Ocean Service will establish regional decision support teams to assess risks, evaluate options, and produce climate-related information. This information is critical for effective fisheries management, conservation of protected species and habitats, industry planning, and community adaptation. The teams will provide early warnings and projections of future ecosystem conditions (e.g., future species distributions and abundance), risk assessments, and other actionable information.
We will continuously validate our products and improve operations and model performance through targeted research and observations on changing ocean conditions and how to respond. This effort builds on NOAA's expertise and strong partnerships with academia and industry.

More Information
- NOAA’s Climate Mission
- Announcing $147.5 Million to Transform NOAA Data Collection and Analysis
- Priority Climate Change Investments Under the Inflation Reduction Act
- Regional Activities: Climate, Ecosystems, and Fisheries Initiative
- Essential Data Acquisition Efforts Under the Inflation Reduction Act
- Data Modernization Efforts Under the Inflation Reduction Act
Regional Activities
Oceans and coasts are among the nation’s most treasured and valuable resources. From fish and fisheries to whales, sea turtles, coral reefs and oysters, these living marine resources are at risk from a variety of impacts including a changing climate. Climate-related changes in ocean and coastal ecosystems such as warming oceans, rising seas, ocean acidification, and coastal droughts are impacting these resources and the many people, businesses, and communities that depend on them.
Climate change impacts vary by region, so we have developed region-specific plans to respond to the growing demands for information on what’s changing, what’s at risk, and how to respond to climate-related changes in marine and coastal ecosystems. The plans are designed to increase the production, delivery, and use of scientific information needed to fulfill our mandates in a changing world.

The Alaska Fisheries Science Center is leading the way in cutting-edge research and monitoring to track and project the impacts of changing sea ice and other climate impacts on marine resources and resource-dependent communities in the region. Climate-related changes include loss of sea ice, changing ocean temperatures, changing ocean chemistry and related changes in ocean productivity and diversity.
- Alaska Regional Climate Action Plan
- The Alaska Climate Integrated Modeling Project
- Eastern Bering Sea Groundfish, Crab, and Salmon Climate Vulnerability Assessment
Climate News from Alaska
- Influence of Climate on Young Salmon Provides Clues to Future of World’s Largest Sockeye Run
- Developing Alternative Fisheries Management Scenarios to Respond to Climate Change
- Scientists Identify Ways to Account for Effects of Climate Change on Fish Stock Estimates
New England/Mid-Atlantic

The Northeast Fisheries Science Center has a variety of research and monitoring efforts that help track, understand and forecast climate-related impacts on resources and resource-dependent communities. Climate-related changes include increasing ocean temperatures, rising sea levels, ocean acidification, changes in precipitation, ocean currents, ocean productivity and diversity.
- Climate Change in the Northeast
- The Northeast Shelf: A Changing Ecosystem
- Northeast Regional Climate Action Plan
- Northeast Fish and Shellfish Climate Vulnerability Assessment
Climate News from New England and the Mid-Atlantic
- Targeted Climate Research Can Benefit Marine Resource Management in the Northeast United States
- Dam Removals in Massachusetts to Restore Fish, Protect Communities
- Warming Water Impacts Atlantic Sturgeon Spawning, Development
Pacific Islands

The Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center is at the forefront of monitoring ecosystem health, including the health of coral reefs, to mitigate the effects of new threats. Climate-related changes include rising sea levels, changing ocean temperatures, changing ocean chemistry, and related changes in ocean productivity and diversity.
- Pacific Islands Regional Climate Action Plan
- Pacific Islands Marine Species Climate Vulnerability Assessment
Climate News from the Pacific Islands
- Collaboration Guides Completion of 2023 Seafloor Mapping and Coral Reef Assessments
- Autonomous Vehicles Powered by Ocean Waves Support Research

The Southeast Fisheries Science Center conducts a variety of research and monitoring efforts to help sustain and restore populations, protect and restore habitats in healthy ecosystems, and understand climate-related changes. Climate-related changes in the Southeast include rising sea levels, increasing sea surface temperatures, extreme weather, and coastal and ocean acidification that can affect the productivity and diversity of the region’s marine and coastal resources.
- Southeast Regional Climate Action Plans
- Gulf of Mexico and South Atlantic Fish and Invertebrates Climate Vulnerability Assessments
Climate News from the Southeast
- New Hope for Puerto Rico’s Coral Reefs
- Warming Water Impacts Atlantic Sturgeon Spawning, Development
- Amplifying Local Efforts in New Orleans to Restore Wetlands and Revitalize Communities
West Coast

The Northwest Fisheries Science Center and Southwest Fisheries Science Center seek to improve our understanding of climate change on the West Coast’s marine and estuarine ecosystems and the species and communities that rely on them. We use the latest scientific methods to investigate climate-related environmental changes including precipitation patterns, streamflow, water temperatures, sea level, and water chemistry. We use what we learn to forecast likely impacts, recover vulnerable species, and help mitigate the effects of climate change on our ecosystem.
- Drought in the West Coast Region
- Climate Impacts to Salmon of the Pacific Northwest
- West Coast Regional Climate Action Plan
- West Coast Marine Species Climate Vulnerability Assessment
Climate News from the West Coast
Current Conditions of the Northeast U.S. Shelf Ecosystem
A current summary of temperature, salinity, chlorophyll and other conditions on the Northeast U.S…
Alaska Salmon Task Force Meeting Minutes January 25, 2024
Alaska Salmon Task Force Meeting Minutes for January 25, 2024.
Spatiotemporal Trends in Benthic and Reef Fish Communities in the Mariana Archipelago
An effort to integrate the National Coral Reef Monitoring Program with local coral reef monitoring…
Alaska Salmon Task Force Meeting Minutes November 14, 2023
Alaska Salmon Task Force Meeting Minutes for November 14, 2023.
Data & Maps
2024 Gulf Of Alaska Ecosystem Status Report: In Brief
This assessment summarizes and synthesizes climate, biological, and fishing effects on the shelf…
Ecosystem Status Report 2024 Gulf of Alaska
This assessment summarizes and synthesizes climate, biological, and fishing effects on the shelf…
Ecosystem Status Report 2024 Aleutian Islands
This assessment summarizes and synthesizes historical climate and fishing effects on the shelf and…
2024 Eastern Bering Sea Ecosystem Status Report: In Brief
This assessment summarizes and synthesizes climate and fishing effects (historical and future) on…
Current Conditions of the Northeast U.S. Shelf Ecosystem: Fall 2024 Update
Biannual report on ecosystem and fisheries data for the Northeast U.S. continental shelf ecosystem. Based on data from January-June 2024
Coral Reef Community Recovery Trajectories Vary by Depth Following a Moderate Heat Stress Event at Swains Island, American Samoa
Swains’s recovery bodes well for persistence of shallow reefs.
Outreach & Education
Alaska Salmon Research Task Force Report
Report from the Alaska Salmon Research Task Force
2024 Joint Canada-USA International Seamount Survey
Research Brief for 2024 Joint Canada-USA International Seamount Survey