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15 resources match your filter criteria.

Cook Inlet Small Entity Compliance Guide

The Small Entity Compliance Guide (select "View Document" below) contains a summary of regulations and frequently asked questions pertaining to the federal management of salmon in the Cook Inlet Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Please note that the Small Entity Compliance guide is not a complete list of limitations and prohibitions for this fishery. See the "More Information" section for additional details. Prior to 2024, salmon fishing in the Cook Inlet EEZ was managed by the State of Alaska. Please go to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game website ( for information regarding fishing in waters managed by the State of Alaska.
August 20, 2024 - Other Reports ,

2022 5-year Review: Summary & Evaluation of Ozette Lake Sockeye Salmon

Five-year reviews describe whether recovery is on track in the context of the recovery plan, explain what the most significant accomplishments have been over the previous five years, and identify the greatest immediate challenges for species recovery.
October 21, 2022 - ESA 5-Year Review ,

2022 5-Year Review: Summary & Evaluation of Snake River Sockeye Salmon

Five-year reviews describe whether recovery is on track in the context of the recovery plan, explain what the most significant accomplishments have been over the previous five years, and identify the greatest immediate challenges for species recovery.
August 16, 2022 - ESA 5-Year Review ,

Final Environmental Assessment: Snake River Basin Fall Chinook and Coho Salmon, and Resident Trout Fisheries

The Snake River is a tributary to the Columbia River. The proposed management plans include fall Chinook salmon fisheries, coho salmon fisheries, and Oregon’s resident trout fishery in the Snake River Basin.
June 21, 2019 - Document ,

Evolution Of Phenology In A Salmonid Population

Evolution Of Phenology In A Salmonid Population: A Potential Adaptive Response To Climate Change
November 12, 2017 - Other Reports ,

2016 5-Year Review: Summary & Evaluation of Ozette Lake Sockeye

A 5-year status review for Ozette Lake Sockeye salmon
May 13, 2016 - ESA 5-Year Review ,

2016 5-Year Review: Summary & Evaluation of Snake River Sockeye, Snake River Spring-Summer Chinook, Snake River Fall-Run Chinook, Snake River Basin Steelhead

Many West Coast salmon and steelhead (Oncorhynchus spp.) stocks have declined substantially from their historical numbers and now are at a fraction of their historical abundance. Several factors contribute to these declines, including: overfishing, loss and degradation of freshwater and estuarine habitat, hydropower development, poor ocean conditions, and hatchery practices.
March 29, 2016 - ESA 5-Year Review ,

Recovery Plan for Snake River Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka)

The goal of ESA recovery under this plan is to improve the viability of Snake River sockeye salmon, and the ecosystems upon which they depend, to the point that they no longer require ESA protection.
June 08, 2015 - Recovery Plan ,

Biological Opinion on the Full Implementation of the Preferred Alternative of the Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for Research on Steller Sea Lions and Northern Fur Seals

Biological opinion on the issuance of Steller sea lion and Northern fur seal research permits for federally funded research on Steller sea lions and Northern fur seals.
July 29, 2009 - Biological Opinion ,