This guide is intended for use by mariners in the identification and reporting of threatened and endangered marine species in the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and U.S. Caribbean.
Outreach poster developed by NOAA Fisheries and the Hawai'i Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation to remind boaters how they can help prevent collisions with sea turtles by taking a few easy safety precautions.
This guidelines describe procedures for releasing a smalltooth sawfish incidentally caught in commercial fishing gears. Sawfishes are listed as endangered under the U.S. Endangered Species Act and it is therefore illegal to harm, injure, or kill them.
This sign is often posted near boat ramps, piers, docks, marinas, and waterfront parks. Signs may be posted voluntarily or as a requirement of a Section 7 Consultation.
The Protected Resources Division develops educational signs to provide the public guidance on how to avoid harmful interactions with protected species.
Marine mammal entanglement, or bycatch, is a global problem that results in the death of hundred of thousands of whales, dolphins, porpoises and seals world-wide every year.