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Outreach Materials

8 resources match your filter criteria.

2024 Aerial Surveys of Steller Sea Lions and Harbor Seals in Alaska

Research Brief for 2024 Aerial Surveys of Steller Sea Lions and Harbor Seals in Alaska
June 25, 2024 -

Share the Shore with Seals and Sea Lions

Enjoy watching Marine Mammals in a safe, responsible way.
April 19, 2022 -

No Selfies with Seals and Sea Lions

Want a picture? Use your zoom and give them room!
April 19, 2022 -

Fishermen: Do Not Shoot Seals and Sea Lions Video

Don't harm your fishery for all. Shooting seals and sea lions is against the law unless you are an Alaska Native subsistence harvesting for food or handicraft.
November 18, 2020 -
do not shoot seals and sea lions sign

Take the Lead: Do Not Feed Steller Sea Lions Video

Video on why you should not feed Steller sea lions—feeding sea lions is hazardous to your health and safety.
February 18, 2020 -
poster explaining why people shouldn't feed sea lions

Do Not Feed Sea Lions: Harbor Signs

Printable "Do Not Feed Sea Lions!" signage to educate harbor users about the negative effects of feeding sea lions. Prominently post signage in each harbor to educate users that feeding sea lions is illegal. 
August 16, 2019 -

Steller Sea Lion Wheelhouse Guide for Commercial Fishermen

Flyer outlining ways for commercial fishermen to reduce Steller sea lion fishery interactions and injury and mortality reporting requirements.
August 05, 2019 -

Take the Lead: Do Not Feed Steller Sea Lions Signage and Brochure

Do Not Feed Steller sea lions (brochure) and Do Not Feed signage for harbors and vessels.
February 15, 2017 -