Map showing five of the AOA Alternatives analyzed in the Programmatic Environment Impact Statement. The green dots represent the Preferred Alternatives 2-5 (W-1, W-4, W-8 and C-3) from the Draft, and the red dot represents Alternative 6 (C-13), which was not identified as a Preferred Alternative. Not pictured is Alternative 1, the No Action Alternative of the DPEIS, which represents no action being taken to identify AOAs in federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
(Preferred) Alternative 2: W-1
Click on the map to enlarge
Map of (Preferred) Alternative 2 W-1, depicted as a square situated approximately 35 nmi (65 km) east of the Port Mansfield Channel, Texas. W-1 is 2,000 acres and this map can be found on page 141 (Figure 3.31) of An Aquaculture Opportunity Atlas for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.
(Preferred) Alternative 3: W-4
Click on the map to enlarge
Map of (Preferred) Alternative 3 W-4, depicted as a square situated approximately 50 nmi (91.5 km) southeast of Port Aransas, Texas. W-4 is 2,000 acres and this map can be found on page 158 (Figure 3.43) of An Aquaculture Opportunity Atlas for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.
(Preferred) Alternative 4: W-8
Click on the map to enlarge
Map of (Preferred) Alternative 4 W-8, depicted as a square situated approximately 58 nmi (107.4 km) southeast of Freeport, Texas. W-4 is 500 acres and this map can be found on page 175 (Figure 3.55) of An Aquaculture Opportunity Atlas for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.
(Preferred) Alternative 5:C-3
Click on the map to enlarge
Map of (Preferred) Alternative 5 C-3, depicted as a square situated approximately 72 nmi (133.4 km) from Pecan Island (Morgan City, Louisiana, is the closest town with significant infrastructure). C-3 is 2,000 acres and this map can be found on page 194 (Figure 3.67) of An Aquaculture Opportunity Atlas for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.
Alternative 6:C-13
Click on the map to enlarge
Map of (Preferred) Alternative 6 C-13, depicted as a square situated approximately 5 nmi (9.6 km) south of the inlet to South Pass, Louisiana. C-13 is 500 acres and this map can be found on page 228 (Figure 3.91) of An Aquaculture Opportunity Atlas for the U.S. Gulf of Mexico.
Cooperating Agencies
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and U.S. Air Force will be cooperating agencies on this PEIS.
For More Information
Contact Andrew Richard, Southeast Regional Aquaculture Coordinator at or (727) 551-5709.
Individuals who use telecommunication devices for the deaf may call the Federal Information Relay Service at 800-877-8339 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., Eastern Time, Monday through Friday.
Federal Register Notices
Notice of Intent to Prepare PEIS (87 FR 33124, 2022)
Notice of Availability (Coming soon!)