Marine Mammal and Sea Turtle Stranding Response Coordination
The NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office oversees, coordinates, and authorizes stranding network responses to marine mammal and sea turtle strandings in the South Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and U.S. Caribbean.
The NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office oversees, coordinates, and authorizes stranding network responses to marine mammal and sea turtle strandings in the South Atlantic, the Gulf of Mexico, and the U.S. Caribbean. We provide responders technical guidance, assist in locating veterinarians and rehabilitation facilities, and authorize certain response measures, such as euthanasia or rehabilitation as appropriate. Also, we investigate the cause of strandings, and may undertake emergency rulemaking to address the issue if the cause is fishery-related.
- To report dead, debilitated, or distressed live marine mammals (i.e., whales, dolphins or manatees) on land or in the water, including either oiled or non-oiled animals, call 1-877-WHALE HELP (1-877-942-5343). NOAA Fisheries also has created a Dolphin and Whale 911 telephone app that can be used to direct calls to the nearest stranding response hotline. Learn more about how to help a stranded marine mammal and our Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program.
- To report dead, debilitated, or live sea turtles on land or in the water, including either oiled or non-oiled animals, contact the Sea Turtle Stranding and Salvage Network state coordinator in the state where the animal is located. Access the list of state coordinators.
More Information
- Other Disaster Response Services
- Endangered Species Act Emergency Consultations
- Essential Fish Habitat Emergency Consultations
- Southeast Region
- Contact:, (727) 824-5320