The objectives of these councils are to develop, monitor and revise fishery management plans and data collection programs for domestic and foreign fishing conducted within the 200-mile U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). This is done with the approval and implementation of the Secretary of Commerce, who has stewardship responsibilities under MSFCMA for living marine resources in the EEZ.
The RFMCs derive their existence solely by statute and function as components of the Department of Commerce. Congress specifically funds the Councils, but the Council members are appointed by the Secretary of Commerce from the private sector. Members are not Federal employees. For more information on the RFMC go to There are three RFMCs within the NMFS Southeast Region:
Gulf of Mexico Fisheries Management Council
The Gulf Council consists of the States of Texas Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida and has authority over the fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico seaward of these states except for highly migratory species that occur within the geographical area of authority of more than one of the Councils. The Gulf Council has 17 voting members, with at least one from each state. For further information visit the Gulf Council's web page.
South Atlantic Fisheries Management Council
The South Atlantic Council consists of the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida and has authority over the fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico seaward of these states except for highly migratory species that occur within the geographical area of authority of more than one of the Councils. The South Atlantic Council has 13 voting members, with at least one from each state. For further information visit theSouth Atlantic Council's web page.
Caribbean Fisheries Management Council
The Caribbean Council consists of the Virgin Islands and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and has authority over the fisheries in the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean seaward of these U.S. possessions, except for highly migratory species that occur within the geographical area of authority of more than one of the Councils. The Caribbean Council has seven (7) voting members with at least one from each possession. For further information visit the Caribbean Council's web page.
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(727) 824 - 5324
Fisheries Grants Program Officer
Dax Ruiz