Bigeye Tuna Results
Changes to Pacific Bigeye Tuna Longline Catch Limit
NOAA Fisheries announces an interim final rule establishing new limits on U.S. longline catch of bigeye tuna. The limits apply to bigeye tuna caught in the U.S. exclusive economic zone (EEZ) and on the high seas in the Western and Central Pacific…
Atlantic Bigeye, Albacore, Yellowfin and Skipjack Tuna Recreational Minimum Sizes
Minimum sizes vary by species. Additional requirements may be applicable. View the HMS Recreational Compliance Guide for details.
Updated bag limits
Vessels must have a valid HMS Angling or HMS Charterboat/Headboat permit to fish for…
Proposed Rule Regarding Purse Seine Fisheries and the 2022 Longline Bigeye Tuna Catch Limit in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean
NOAA Fisheries is proposing to modify purse seine fishing restrictions and the 2022 longline bigeye tuna catch limit in the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission convention area. We are undertaking this action under the authority of the…