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Environmental DNA Results

13 results match your filter criteria.

Environmental DNA Survey Continues in the Southern New England Wind Energy Area

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Join eDNA Program Lead Yuan Liu on a survey in the Southern New England Wind Energy Area. She uses eDNA side-by-side with passive acoustic monitoring technologies to track marine life.
January 22, 2025 - Survey ,
Three people work on the deck of a fishing vessel. A woman on the left, with a pink winter hat, is getting a sampling bottle of about 5 litres from a man (in the middle) with sun glasses and a dark blue hoodie. Another man (on the right) is holding on to a wire while looking down at the surface of the ocean.

What’s in the Water Might Be A New Way to Measure the Amount of Fish Present

Novel approach to study fish DNA collected from water samples enables researchers to estimate biomass of multiple Alaska fish species simultaneously.
October 31, 2024 - Feature Story ,
Fish swimming in tank for scientific research. Arctic Cod in tank. Credit: NOAA Fisheries.

Graduate Student Interns Aboard a Research Vessel 130 Miles Out at Sea

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Southern Connecticut State University graduate student Abby Lucas recounts her path to collecting environmental DNA samples in the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument.
August 19, 2024 - Survey ,
Person wearing a blue shirt and black shorts sitting on a boat looking out into the ocean, holding a camera.

Using Environmental DNA to Understand Biodiversity in a Marine National Monument

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Join Yuan Liu on an expedition to collect environmental DNA from the highly protected waters of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument.
August 15, 2024 - Survey ,
A research vessel is anchored by the dock. A frame is on the left side of the photo at the stern area of the boat. The bow area is to the right. The hull is painted with white and blue. Blue letters UCONN are painted on top of white paint on the side of the boat. Blue letters CONNECTICUT are painted on top of white paint on the hull of the bow area. The R/V Connecticut, the University of Connecticut’s research vessel. Credit: Katie Cubina

Collecting Environmental DNA Samples on the 2022 Spring Ecosystem Monitoring Survey

Field Fresh Blog: Science in Motion

Planning a sea-going research cruise since the pandemic started has been difficult, and at times impossible, so it is exciting to get back out on the ocean again.
June 17, 2022 - Survey ,
 A color image taken on the ship's deck in fair weather at night. At center, three people remove water samples from bottles held in  an open, metal, cylindrical frame about 8 feet high. The bottles are cylindrical, opaque, and look like scuba air tanks.

Deep Sea Corals Research on the West Coast

The Center’s Genetics and Evolution Program supports molecular and genetic research on deep-sea corals and sponges.
A rockfish nestles among a variety of corals and sponges on Mendocino Ridge.  Credit: MARE, DSCRTP A rockfish nestles among a variety of corals and sponges on Mendocino Ridge. Credit: MARE, DSCRTP

Marine Forensic Laboratory at the Northwest Fisheries Science Center

The Marine Forensic Laboratory analyzes evidence collected during the investigation of civil and criminal violations of laws protecting marine species.

Traces of DNA Can Accurately Assess Fish in the Ocean

eDNA provides an affordable alternative to measure fish populations.
March 22, 2022 - Feature Story ,
scientist measuring environmental DNA from water samples on board the Bell M. Shimada during hake survey 2019 nwfsc

Ecological Genetics and Diversity in the Pacific Northwest

Science support for ongoing conservation and management activities.