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International Enforcement Results

5 results match your filter criteria.

NOAA takes strong stand against IUU fishing and harmful fishing practices

New report identifies 31 nations and entities engaged in IUU fishing and bycatch
August 12, 2021 - Media Release ,

Forced Labor and the Seafood Supply Chain

Human trafficking, including forced labor, on fishing vessels is an important human rights issue.

Countering Illegal, Unreported, and Unregulated Fishing: Capacity Building and Technical Assistance

Special agents, enforcement officers, and enforcement support staff from NOAA's Office of Law Enforcement routinely fight illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing and the trade in IUU fish products.

Office of Law Enforcement Annual Report Fiscal Year 2016

NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement protects marine wildlife, sanctuaries and monuments, and critical habitat by enforcing domestic laws and international treaty obligations designed to ensure these natural resources are available for future generations. OLE actively seeks to promote compliance with the nation’s marine resource laws and takes measured enforcement action when these laws are violated.
October 01, 2016 - Other Reports ,

Office of Law Enforcement Annual Report Fiscal Year 2015

NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement protects marine wildlife, sanctuaries and monuments, and critical habitat by enforcing domestic laws and international treaty obligations designed to ensure these natural resources are available for future generations. OLE actively seeks to promote compliance with the nation’s marine resource laws, and takes measured enforcement action when these laws are violated.
October 01, 2015 - Other Reports ,