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Northeast Skate Complex Results

9 results match your filter criteria.

Final Rule to Implement Framework Adjustment 8 to the Northeast Skate Complex Fishery Management Plan

NOAA Fisheries announces regulations to implement measures recommended by the New England Fishery Management Council in Framework Adjustment 8 to the Northeast Skate Complex Fishery Management Plan. This rule includes skate catch limits for fishing…

Omnibus Essential Fish Habitat Amendment 2 Map

OHA2 was initiated in 2004 to review and update the EFH components of all the New England Fishery Management Council's fishery management plans (FMP).
November 01, 2019 - Map ,

Letters of Authorization Programs in the Greater Atlantic Region

This summary of the regulations and requirements for each Letter of Authorization (LOA) program under the respective Fishery Management Plans is subject to change.

Southern New England Monkfish and Skate Trawl Exemption Area

Map depicting Southern New England Monkfish and Skate Trawl Exemption Area in the Greater Atlantic Region.
September 13, 2019 - Map ,

Quota Monitoring in the Greater Atlantic Region

Provided on a weekly basis, catch and landings reports are used to evaluate and support our fishery management programs.

The Skate Bait Fishery

A description and explanation of the fishery for skates for use as bait within the Northeast Skate Complex Fishery.

Northeast Skate ID Guide

Simple identification guide for the skate species within the Northeast Skate Complex.

Northeast Skate Complex Permit

Permit information for the Northeast skate complex fishery.
Commercial ,