Northeast Skate ID Guide
Simple identification guide for the skate species within the Northeast Skate Complex.
For more information about management, visit the Northeast Skate Complex page.
Prohibited Species
Thorny Skate (Amblyraja radiata)
Prohibited throughout the Northeast Management Region
- VTR Code(s): SKTHOR (whole), SKTHORW (wings)
- Other Names: Mud Skate, Starry Skate
- Range: Most common in the Gulf of Maine
- Depth: Most common 40–165 fathoms
- Max Length: 41 inches (104 cm)
- Large thorns along back and shoulders
- Brown/Grayish body surface
- Tail shorter than body
- Underside of wings are white
- No spots on wings
Provisional Species
Barndoor Skate (Dipturus laevis)
Permitted in the directed wing fishery; Prohibited in the bait fishery
- VTR Code(s): SKBARN (whole) SKBARNW (wings)
- Range: Most common on southern Georges Bank and southern New England
- Depth: Most common 35–80 fathoms
- Max Length: 60 inches (152 cm)
- Very pointed snout
- Reddish brown body surface
- Small dark spots covering body
- No spines on wings
- Underside of wings are gray
Permitted Species
Little Skate (Leucoraja erinacea)
- VTR Code(s): SKL
- Other names: Summer Skate, Common Skate
- Primary target of the bait fishery
- Range: Most common on Georges Bank and southern New England
- Depths: Most common < 70 fathoms
- Max length: 22 inches (55 cm)
- Rounded disk
- Small dark spots on body surface
- Males (14–20 inches) claspers extend well beyond back edge of disk
- Females (14–20 inches) patches of spines located on both sides of anus
Winter Skate (Leucoraja ocellata)
- VTR Code(s): SKWIN (whole), SKWINW (wings)
- Other names: Big Skate, Spotted Skate, Eyed Skate
- Primary target of the wing fishery
- Range: Most common on Georges Bank and southern New England
- Depth: Most common < 60 fathoms
- Max Length: 46 inches (117 cm)
- Underside of wings are white
- Small dark spots on body surface/wings
- Males (14–20 inches) claspers barely reach edge of posterior disk
- Females (14–20 inches) no rough patch on sides of vent
Rosette Skate (Leucoraja garmani)
- VTR Code(s): SKROSE
- Other names: Leopard Skate, Freckled Skate
- Range: Most common in deep water in the Mid-Atlantic
- Depth: Most common > 40 fathoms
- Max Length: 16 inches (41 cm)
- Dark rosettes (6 or more dark spots surrounding a central point) on back
- Rows of spines along back and tail
- Tail rather long
Clearnose Skate (Raja eglanteria)
- VTR Code(s): SKCL (whole), SKCLW (wings)
- Other names: Brier Skate
- Range: Most common nearshore in the Mid-Atlantic
- Depths: Most common < 20 fathoms
- Max Length: 37 inches (94cm)
- Bars and spots on top surface
- One line of thorns that run down the mid-line of back
- Large clear space on each side of snout
- Defined space between two dorsal fins on tail
Smooth Skate (Malacoraja senta)
- VTR Code(s): SKSM
- Other Names: Prickly Skate, Smooth Tailed Skate
- Range: Most common in the Gulf of Maine
- Depth: Most common 55–250 fathoms
- Max Length: 26 inches (64 cm)
- Pointed snout
- No hard spines on wings
- Pale brown coloration
- 2 rows of small spines along the tail