West Coast Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Licensed Hydroelectric Projects: Rogue & Umpqua Rivers
Rogue River Basin; Applegate, North Umpqua, Rogue, and Middle Fork Rivers, Red Blanket Creek, Jackson and Douglas Counties, Oregon.
Applegate Hydroelectric Project
Rogue River Basin; Applegate River, Jackson County, Oregon
Project Profile & Licensee
The hydropower facility would divert water released for flood control purposes and pass it through hydroelectric turbines. The proposed powerhouse at this site will accommodate one 2.82 MW vertical Francis unit and one 7.18 MW vertical Francis unit. The total installed capacity will be 10 MW. The proposed design includes a new multilevel intake tower (in addition to an already existing COE intake tower) at the upstream face of the dam to provide water to the facility. The water would then pass through penstocks to a powerhouse at the base of the dam.
Licensee: Riverbank Power (formerly Symbiotics LLC)
Federally Threatened - Listed Species
FERC Relicensing Status
FERC issued a new license in 2009. The project has not received design approval from the Army Corps of Engineers and construction.never started. The license holder, AG Hydro, failed to begin construction of the 10-megawatt generator at the southwestern Jackson County dam by the December 2013 deadline, despite receiving a two-year extension on its Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license granted in 2009.
The Commission formally ordered the license terminated on November 2014. AG Hydro took over the project from its originating company, Symbiotics LLC, four years ago.
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- FERC eLibrary: Docket #P-11910
Gold Hill Hydroelectric Dam Removal
Rogue River Basin; Rogue River, Jackson County, Oregon
Project Profile & Licensee
Before removal, the dam blocked passage for ESA-listed fish and contributed to downstream habitat degradation. Removal of the dam is contributing to survival and recovery of salmon and steelhead species by restoring access to high-quality upstream spawning and rearing habitat.
Licensee: City of Gold Hill
Federally Threatened - Listed Species
FERC Relicensing Status
Although the project historically diverted water for municipal supply and power production, it had not been used for power purposes for many decades and was never licensed by FERC. The dam was removed by the owner, City of Gold Hill, with funds from NOAA Restoration Center and others, in July 2008.
- FERC never licensed this dam.
- No NOAA Fisheries Biological Opinion
North Umpqua Hydroelectric Project
Umpqua River Basin; North Umpqua River, Douglas County, Oregon
Project Profile & Licensee
Constructed between 1947 and 1956, the North Umpqua Hydroelectric Project is located in south central Oregon in a remote area of Douglas County. For more than 50 years, the eight-dam hydroelectric project blocked access to historical habitat and degraded downstream habitat for ESA-listed fish. Several improvements are being made to the project as required by a new licensed issued in 2003. These include providing fish passage into blocked habitat above Soda Springs Dam, construction of tailrace barriers, increased streamflows, reduced ramping, and habitat restoration.
Licensee: PacifiCorp
Federally Threatened - Listed Species
FERC Relicensing Status
NOAA Fisheries issued a biological opinion in 2002. FERC issued a new 35-year license in 2003, consistent with a 2001 settlement agreement and the biological opinion. Construction of tailrace barriers was completed in 2007 at Soda Springs Dam and in 2012 at Slide Creek powerhouse. In 2012, PacificCorp completed construction of downstream fish screens and bypass facilities for downstream passage, and an upstream fish ladder for passage at Soda Springs Dam.
Read about the new fish passage on the North Umpqua River
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- FERC eLibrary: Docket #P-1927
Prospect Hydroelectric Project
Rogue River Basin; Rogue River/Middle Fork Rogue River/Red Blanket Creek, Jackson County, Oregon
Project Profile & Licensee
The existing Prospect Nos. 1, 2 and 4 Hydroelectric Project is located above historical anadromous fish habitat, so NOAA Fisheries didn't consult on it. The new license specifies minimum flows and ramping rate restrictions.
Licensee: PacifiCorp
Federally Threatened - Listed Species
FERC Relicensing Status
The state of Oregon and PacifiCorp signed a settlement agreement in 2006. FERC issued a new license in 2008.
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- FERC eLibrary: Docket #P-2630
- No NOAA Fisheries Biological Opinion
Winchester Dam
Umpqua River Basin; North Umpqua River, Douglas County, Oregon
Project Profile & Licensee
The existing dam has a functioning fish ladder and counting station that does not meet NOAA Fisheries standards, but passes fish with minimal evidence of injury and delay. ESA-listed coho and unlisted summer and winter steelhead and spring Chinook migrate past the dam.
Licensee: Coastal Hydropower LLC
Federally Threatened - Listed Species
FERC Relicensing Status
Coastal Hydropower LLC withdrew its application in January 2011. The dam has not generated electricity since 1923. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife maintains a fish-counting station at the dam.
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
- FERC eLibrary: Docket #P-13662
- No NOAA Fisheries Biological Opinion