October 15, 2024 | Final Environmental Assessment, Regulatory Impact Review, Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis, Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act Analysis, and FInding of No Significant Impact: Amendment 33 to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan, 2025-26 Harvest Specifications and Management Measures (pdf) |
October 13, 2023 | Environmental Assessment (EA), Regulatory Impact Review, Regulatory Flexibility Analysis, MSA Analysis and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) for a Proposed Amendment 32 to the Pacific Groundfish Fishery Management Plan for Non-Trawl Sector Area Management Measures (pdf) |
November 2022 | Final Environmental Assessment (EA), Regulatory Impact Review, and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI): Amendment 30 to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan, 2023-2024 Harvest Specifications and Management Measures (pdf) |
11/20/2020 | Amendment 29 to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan and 2021-22 Harvest Specifications and Management Measures Environmental Assessment/ Regulatory Impact Review/ Regulatory Flexibility Analysis (pdf) |
5/27/2020 | Cowcod/Shortbelly Rockfish EA/FONSI/RIR/IRFA/MSA (pdf) |
7/26/2019 | Pacific Coast Groundfish FMP Amendment 28 Final EIS |
April 2019 | Regulatory Impact Review and Initial Regulatory Flexibility Act Review for Logbook Requirement for Trawl Vessels under the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan |
12/12/2018 | Final EA for the 2019-2020 Groundfish Harvest Specifications and Management Measures Appendix A – Integrated Alternatives Analysis Appendix B – Consideration of Changes to the Yelloweye Rockfish Rebuilding Plan Appendix C – New Management Measures Detailed Analysis Appendix D – Catch Projection Model Detail Compliance Guide |
12/03/2018 | Final EA on Gear Changes for the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery’s Trawl Catch Share Program Compliance Guide |
2/28/2018 | Final EA for the Authorization of an Oregon Recreational Fishery for Midwater Groundfish species Final FONSI for the Authorization of an Oregon Recreational Fishery for Midwater Groundfish species |
1/09/2018 | Final EA for the Issuance of an EFP for LE bottom trawl and non-whiting midwater trawl vessels in the IFQ Program: Trawl Gear EFP |
10/15/2017 | Final Widow Rockfish Reallocation Environmental Assessment and Magnuson-Stevens Act Analysis |
03/06/2017 | Final EA for Pacific Coast Groundfish Harvest Specifications and Management Measures for 2017-2018, and Amendment 27 to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan |
11/23/2016 | Final EA on Action to the Fixed Gear Sablefish Fishery Managed under the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan |
04/30/2015 | Final EA on Midwater Trawl Restrictions and Prohibited Species Retention for the Shorebased Trawl Individual Fishing Quota Program |
04/09/2015 | Final EA for a season date change for the Shorebased IFQ Program midwater trawl fishery |
01/16/2015 | Environmental Impact Statement 2015-2016 Groundfish Harvest Specifications and Management Measures and Amendment 24, 1/16/2015 Final EIS for Pacific Coast Groundfish Harvest Specifications and Management Measures for 2015-2016 and Biennial Periods Thereafter, and Amendment 24 to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan Dear Reviewer letter for Final Environmental Impact Statement for 2015-2016 groundfish harvest specifications and management measures and Amendment 24 80FR2414: Notice of Availability of a Final Environmental Impact Statement for 2015-2016 Pacific coast groundfish harvest specifications and management measures and Amendment 24 |
12/01/2014 | Final EA for continuation of Adaptive Management Program (AMP) quota pounds pass-through in the Pacific coast groundfish Trawl Rationalization Program |
11/04/2014 | Final EA for trawl rationalization trailing actions: chafing gear |
04/17/2014 | Final Environmental Assessment (EA) for Bottom Trawl Rockfish Conservation Areas (RCA) |
03/01/2013 | Final EA for Reconsideration of Initial Catch Share Allocations in the Mothership and Shoreside Pacific Whiting Fisheries |
02/21/2011 | Final EIS for Amendment 16–5 to the Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan To Update Existing Rebuilding Plans and Adopt a Rebuilding Plan for Petrale Sole |
03/31/2009 | Final EA on an EFP for a Maximized Retention and Monitoring Program for the Pacific Whiting Shoreside Fishery |
06/16/2008 | Final EA on Limited Entry Program for Non-Tribal Sectors of Pacific Whiting Fishery |
12/01/2005 | Final Environmental Impact Statement Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Essential Fish Habitat Designation |
09/01/2004 | Final Environmental Impact Statement Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery Management Plan Bycatch Mitigation Program |
08/20/2003 | Final EA on 30-fathom Boundary Line |