2021 Shorebased Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) Vessel Limits
2021 shorebased trawl allocations and vessel limits for IFQ and IBQ species
December 22, 2020
Below is a table showing the 2021 shorebased trawl allocations and vessel limits for IFQ and IBQ species in pounds [50 CFR 660.140(d)(1)(ii)(D); 50 CFR 660.140(e)(4) dated December 11th 2020]. Vessel limits are the amount of QP that can be transferred to a vessel account.
The Annual QP Limit is the total amount of QP (used, unused available, and pending outgoing transfers) that may be registered to a single vessel during the year. It applies to all QPs transferred in minus all QPs transferred out of the vessel account. The non-whiting groundfish species annual QP limit is an overall limit applying to the sum of every IFQ species (excluding Pacific whiting and Pacific halibut).
IFQ Category | 2021 Shorebased Trawl Allocation (mt) | Total Pounds for Shorebased IFQ Program | Annual QP Vessel Limit (%) | Annual QP Vessel Limit (pounds) |
Arrowtooth flounder | 7,376.02 | 16,261,340 | 20.0% | 3,252,268 |
Bocaccio rockfish South of 40°10' N. | 663.75 | 1,463,318 | 15.4% | 225,351 |
Canary rockfish | 880.96 | 1,942,184 | 10.0% | 194,218 |
Chilipepper rockfish South of 40°10' N. | 1,695.20 | 3,737,276 | 15.0% | 560,591 |
Cowcod South of 40°10' N. | 18 | 39,683 | 17.7% | 7,023 |
Darkblotched rockfish | 743.49 | 1,638,894 | 6.8% | 111,459 |
Dover sole | 45,972.65 | 101,352,344 | 3.9% | 3,952,741 |
English sole | 8,478.20 | 18,691,231 | 7.5% | 1,401,842 |
Lingcod North of 40°10' N. | 2,275.78 | 5,017,236 | 5.3% | 265,913 |
Lingcod South of 40°10' N. | 435.6 | 960,333 | 13.3% | 127,724 |
Longspine thornyheads North of 34°27' N. | 2,451.28 | 5,404,147 | 9.0% | 486,373 |
Minor shelf rockfish North of 40°10' N. | 831.07 | 1,832,195 | 7.5% | 137,415 |
Minor shelf rockfish South of 40°10' N. | 159.24 | 351,064 | 13.5% | 47,393 |
Minor slope rockfish North of 40°10' N. | 938.58 | 2,069,214 | 7.5% | 155,191 |
Minor slope rockfish South of 40°10' N. | 526.40 | 1,160,513 | 9.0% | 104,446 |
Other flatfish | 4,088.00 | 9,012,497 | 15% | 1,351,874 |
Pacific cod | 1,039.21 | 2,291,065 | 20.0% | 458,213 |
*Pacific halibut (IBQ) North of 40°10' N. | 149,405 | 14.4% | 21,514 | |
Pacific ocean perch North of 40°10' N. | 3,337.74 | 7,358,457 | 6.0% | 441,507 |
*Pacific whiting | 23,200,390 | 15.0% | 3,480,059 | |
Petrale sole | 3,692.90 | 8,141,450 | 4.5% | 366,365 |
Sablefish North of 36° N. | 3,139.59 | 6,921,611 | 4.5% | 311,472 |
Sablefish South of 36° N. | 786 | 1,732,833 | 15.0% | 259,925 |
Shortspine thornyheads North of 34°27' N. | 1,212.12 | 2,672,267 | 9.0% | 240,504 |
Shortspine thornyheads South of 34°27' N. | 50 | 110,231 | 9.0% | 9,921 |
Splitnose rockfish South of 40°10' N. | 1,565.20 | 3,450,675 | 15.0% | 517,601 |
Starry flounder | 171.8 | 378,754 | 20.0% | 75,751 |
Widow rockfish | 13,600.68 | 29,984,366 | 8.5% | 2,548,671 |
Yelloweye rockfish | 3.3 | 7,275 | 11.4% | 829 |
Yellowtail rockfish North of 40°10' N. | 4,091.13 | 9,019,397 | 7.5% | 676,454 |
Non-whiting Groundfish Species | 110,223.89 | 243,001,850 | 3.2% | 7,776,066 |
* Interim Allocation