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Amendment 119 to the FMP for the Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands and Amendment 107 to the FMP for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska


Amendments 119/107
Fishing Type
Affected Species
Alaska Rockfish
Action Status
Final Rule


Regulations to require that the operator of a federally permitted catcher vessel using hook-and-line, pot, or jig gear in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska retain and land all rockfish (Sebastes and Sebastolobus species) caught while fishing for groundfish or Pacific halibut. Amendment 119 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Management Area (BSAI FMP) and Amendment 107 to the Fishery Management Plan for Groundfish of the Gulf of Alaska (GOA FMP). This action is necessary to improve identification of rockfish species catch by vessels using electronic monitoring, provide more precise estimates of rockfish catch, reduce waste and incentives to discard rockfish, reduce overall enforcement burden, and promote more consistent management between State and Federal fisheries. This program information constitutes the Small Entity Compliance Guide required under section 212 of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996.

Last updated by Alaska Regional Office on 02/17/2022

Electronic Monitoring Small Entity Compliance Guide