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Incidental Take Authorization: SouthCoast Wind, LLC Construction of the SouthCoast Wind Offshore Wind Project


Marine Mammal Protection Act
Action Status
Proposed Rule
Comments Close


NOAA Fisheries received a request from SouthCoast Wind Energy LLC (formerly Mayflower Wind Energy LLC)*, for Incidental Take Regulations and an associated Letter of Authorization. The requested regulations would govern the authorization of take, by Level A harassment and Level B harassment, of small numbers of marine mammals over the course of five years (2027-2032) incidental to construction of the SouthCoast Wind Project offshore of Massachusetts within the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Commercial Lease of Submerged Lands for Renewable Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf Lease Area OCS–A 0521 and associated Export Cable Corridors. Specified activities expected to result in incidental take are pile driving (impact and vibratory), unexploded ordnance or munitions and explosives of concern detonation, and site assessment surveys using high-resolution geophysical equipment. NOAA Fisheries requests comments on this proposed rule. NOAA Fisheries will consider public comments prior to making any final decision on the promulgation of the requested ITR and issuance of the agency responses to public comments will be summarized in the final rule. The regulations, if promulgated, would be effective April 1, 2027 through March 31, 2032.

*Since publication of the Notice of Receipt of Application, Mayflower Wind, LLC has changed its name to SouthCoast Wind, LLC.

Project Area

Last updated by Office of Protected Resources on 06/25/2024