Request For Comments: Elliott State Research Forest Habitat Conservation Plan
The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) announces the availability of the Elliott State Research Forest Habitat Conservation Plan (HCP) and requests your comments by December 19, 2022. The Oregon Department of State Lands (ODSL) is preparing the HCP in support of their request for Endangered Species Act (ESA) incidental take permits (ITPs) from NMFS and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service authorizing incidental take of covered species from research and forest management activities (covered activities). These activities include implementation of the foundational research design of the Elliott State Research Forest proposal including; various forest research treatments; operation standards, by research treatment designation; projected harvest timing, amount, and amount of harvest types, and methods; supporting management activities; supporting infrastructure, including roads and facilities; potential research projects; and implementation of the HCP’s conservation strategy.
We also announce an upcoming public meeting, hosted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, to provide information on the HCP and DEIS.
Written comments on the HCP may be submitted at, Docket FWS-R1-ES-2022-0029. The comment period has been extended to January 10, 2023.
Virtual Public Meeting
A virtual public meeting will be held on December 13, 2022, from 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. Pacific Time. A link and access instructions to the virtual meeting will be available on the Elliott State Research Forest Habitat Conservation Plan page. The meeting will include presentations on the Draft EIS and the HCP.
Anticipated Schedule
- Draft EIS Release and Public Review – November 2022 (in process)
- Final EIS – Summer 2023