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Seabird Bycatch in Alaska

Reducing seabird incidental take in longline, also known as hook-and-line, fisheries off Alaska.

seabirds congregating on offal from fishing vessel

The Alaska Region has been actively addressing seabird incidental take in longline, or hook-and-line, fisheries off Alaska since 1989. AKR seabird-related responsibilities and activities include consultations under the Endangered Species Act, data collection by fishery observers, public and industry outreach and education, research, regulatory action, and participation in the development of actions to reduce the incidental take of seabirds in Alaska fisheries. The Alaska Region plays a proactive role in its coordination with local, regional, national, and international agencies, organizations, and experts in its efforts to reduce seabird incidental take in hook-and-line fisheries. 

Additional Resources




Seabird Bycatch Estimates for Alaska Groundfish Fisheries: 2021

NOAA's National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) annually updates estimates of seabirds caught as bycatch in commercial groundfish and halibut…


Seabird Bycatch Estimates for Alaska Groundfish Fisheries: 2020

Seabirds are unintentionally caught in commercial fisheries. This unintentional catch is referred to as bycatch. Federal law in the U.S. requires…


Seabird Bycatch Estimates for Alaska Groundfish Fisheries: 2019

NOAA Fisheries annually updates estimates of seabirds caught as bycatch in commercial groundfish and halibut fisheries operating in Federal waters…



National Plan of Action for the Reduction of Seabird Incidental Catch in Longline Fisheries

Increased concerns have arisen about the incidental capture of non-target species in various fisheries throughout the world. Incidental capture can…