Programmatic Biological Assessment on the Effects of the Pacific Halibut Fisheries in Waters off Alaska on the Endangered Short-tailed Albatross, the Threatened Alaska-breeding Population of the Steller’s Eider, and the Threatened Spectacled Eider
Consultation under section 7 of the ESA for the effects of Pacific halibut fisheries in waters off Alaska on the short-tailed albatross and the Alaska-breeding population of the Steller’s eider and Spectacled Eider.
Under the Endangered Species Act, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service listed the short-tailed albatross as endangered in 1970, the spectacled eider as threatened in 1993, and the Alaska-breeding population of the Steller’s eider as threatened in 1997. The Sustainable Fisheries Division of NOAA Fisheries, Alaska Region, is requesting consultation under section 7 of the ESA for the effects of fisheries on short-tailed albatross, the spectacled eider, and the Alaska-breeding population of the Steller’s eider.
This biological assessment analyzes the potential direct and indirect effects of the commercial, sport, and subsistence Pacific halibut fisheries in U.S. Convention waters off Alaska within International Pacific Halibut Commission Regulatory Areas 2C, 3A, 3B, 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D, and 4E on short-tailed albatross, the spectacled eider, and the Alaska-breeding population of the Steller’s eider. Cumulative effects of non-Federal actions also are examined.