2016–2017 Alaska Groundfish Harvest Specifications
The Inseason Management Branch monitors the catch rates of groundfish and prohibited species according to the catch limits and allocations by gear, sector, and seasonal apportionments proscribed in regulation and found in the harvest specifications.
Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI)
Full BSAI Harvest Specification Tables
- Table 1: Final 2016 Overfishing Level (OFL), Acceptable Biological Catch (ABC), Total Allowable Catch (TAC), Initial TAC (ITAC), and CDQ Reserve Allocation of Groundfish in the BSAI.
- Table 2: Final 2017 Overfishing Level (OFL), Acceptable Biological Catch (ABC), Total Allowable Catch (TAC), Initial TAC (ITAC), and CDQ Reserve Allocation of Groundfish in the BSAI.
- Table 3: Final 2016 and 2017 Apportionment of Reserves to ITAC Categories.
- Table 4: Final 2016 Allocations of Pollock TACs to the Directed Pollock Fisheries and to the CDQ Directed Fishing Allowances (DFA) (updated 08/08/16).
- Table 5: Final 2017 Allocations of Pollock TACs to the Directed Pollock Fisheries and to the CDQ Directed Fishing Allowances (DFA) (updated 02/17/2017).
- Table 6: Final 2016 Seasonal and Spatial Allowance, Gear Shares, CDQ Reserve, Incidental Catch Allowance and Amendment 80 Allocations of the BSAI Atka Mackerel TAC.
- Table 7: Final 2017 Seasonal and Spatial Allowances, Gear Shares, CDQ Reserve, Incidental Catch Allowance, and Amendment 80 Allocation of the BSAI Atka Mackerel TAC.
- Table 8: Final 2016 Gear Shares and Seasonal Allowances of the BSAI Pacific Cod TAC.
- Table 9: Final 2017 Gear Shares and Seasonal Allowances of the BSAI Pacific Cod TAC.
- Table 10: Final 2016 and 2017 Gear Shares and CDQ Reserve of BSAI Sablefish TACS.
- Table 11: Final 2016 Community Development Quota (CDQ) Reserves, Incidental Catch Amounts (ICAS), and the Amendment 80 Allocations of the Aleutian Islands Pacific Ocean Perch, and BSAI Flathead Sole, Rock Sole, and Yellowfin Sole TACs. (updated 11/04/2016).
- Table 12: Final 2017 Community Development Quota (CDQ) Reserves, Incidental Catch Amounts (ICAS), and Amendment 80 Allocations of the Aleutian Islands Pacific Ocean Perch, and BSAI Flathead Sole, Rock Sole, and Yellowfin Sole TACs.
- Table 13: Final 2016 and 2017 ABC Surplus, Community Development Quota (CDQ) ABC Reserves, and Amendment 80 ABC Reserves in the BSAI for Flathead Sole, Rock Sole, and Yellowfin Sole. (updated 11/04/2016).
- Table 14: Final 2016 and 2017 Apportionment of Prohibited Species Catch Allowances to Non-Trawl Gear, the CDQ Program, Amendment 80, and the BSAI Trawl Limited Access Sectors (updated 04/27/2016).
- Table 15: Final 2016 and 2017 Herring and Red King Crab Savings Subarea Prohibited Species Catch Allowances for All Trawl Sectors.
- Table 16: Final 2016 and 2017 Prohibited Species Bycatch Allowances for the BSAI Trawl Limited Access Sector (updated 04/27/2016).
- Table 17: Final 2016 and 2017 Halibut Prohibited Species Bycatch Allowances for Non-Trawl Fisheries (updated 04/27/2016).
- Table 18: Final 2016 Prohibited Species Bycatch Allowance for the BSAI Amendment 80 Cooperatives (updated 04/27/2016).
- Table 19: Final 2016 and 2017 Pacific Halibut Discard Mortality Rates for the BSAI.
- Table 20: 2016 and 2017 Directed Fishing Closures.
- Table 21: Final 2016 and 2017 Listed BSAI American Fisheries Act Catcher/Processor Groundfish Sideboard Limits.
- Table 22: Final 2016 and 2017 BSAI AFA Listed Catcher/Processor Prohibited Species Sideboard Limits.
- Table 23: Final 2016 and 2017 American Fisheries Act Catcher Vessel BSAI Groundfish Sideboard Limits.
- Table 24: Final 2016 and 2017 American Fisheries Act Catcher Vessel Prohibited Species Catch Sideboard Limits for the BSAI.
- Table 25: Final 2016 and 2017 American Fisheries Act Listed Catcher/Processor Sideboard Directed Fishing Closures.
- Table 26: Final 2016 and 2017 American Fisheries Act Catcher Vessel Sideboard Directed Fishing Closures.
Gulf of Alaska (GOA)
Full GOA Harvest Specification Tables
- Table 1: 2016 OFLs, ABCs, and TACs of Groundfish for the Western/Central/West Yakutat, Western, Central, Eastern Regulatory Areas, and in the West Yakutat, Southeast Outside, and Gulfwide Districts of the Gulf of Alaska.
- Table 2: Final 2017 OFLs, ABCs, and TACs of Groundfish for the Western/Central/West Yakutat, Western, Central, Eastern Regulatory Areas, and in the West Yakutat, Southeast Outside, and Gulfwide Districts of the Gulf of Alaska.
- Table 3: Final 2016 Distribution of Pollock in the Western and Central Regulatory Areas of the GOA.
- Table 4: Final 2017 Distribution of Pollock in the Western and Central Regulatory Areas of the GOA (updated 12/27/2016).
- Table 5: Final 2016 Seasonal Apportionments and Allocation of Pacific Cod and TAC Amounts in the GOA.
- Table 6: Final 2017 Seasonal Apportionments and Allocation of Pacific Cod TAC in the GOA (updated 12/27/2016).
- Table 7: Final 2016 Sablefish TAC Specifications in the GOA and Allocations to Hook-and-Line and Trawl Gear.
- Table 8: Final 2017 Sablefish TAC Specifications in the GOA and Allocation to Trawl Gear.
- Table 9: Final 2016 and Initial 2017 Allocations of Rockfish Primary Species to the Entry Level Longline Fishery in the Central GOA.
- Table 10: Final 2016 Allocations of Rockfish Primary Species in the Central GOA to the Entry Level Longline Fishery and Rockfish Cooperatives in the Rockfish Program.
- Table 11: Final 2017 Allocations of Rockfish Primary Species in the Central GOA to the Entry Level Longline Fishery and Rockfish Cooperatives in the Rockfish Program.
- Table 12: Final 2016 Apportionments of Rockfish Secondary Species in the Central GOA to Catcher Vessel and Catcher/Processor Cooperatives.
- Table 13: Final 2017 Apportionments of Rockfish Secondary Species in the Central GOA to Catcher Vessel and Catcher/Processor Cooperatives.
- Table 14: Final 2016 and 2017 Pacific Halibut PSC Limits, Allowances, and Apportionments.
- Table 15: Final 2016 and 2017 Apportionment of Pacific Halibut PSC Trawl Limits Between the Trawl Gear Deep-Water Species Fishery and the Shallow-Water Species Fishery Categories (updated 07/14/16).
- Table 16: Final 2016 and 2017 Apportionments of the "Other Hook-and-Line Fisheries" Annual Halibut PSC Allowance Between the Hook-and-line Gear Catcher Vessel and Catcher/Processor Sectors.
- Table 17: Final 2016 and 2017 Halibut Discard Mortality Rates for Vessels Fishing in the GOA.
- Table 18: Final 2016 GOA Non-Exempt American Fisheries Act Catcher Vessel Groundfish Harvest Sideboard Limits.
- Table 19: Final 2017 GOA Non-Exempt American Fisheries Act Catcher Vessel Groundfish Harvest Sideboard Limits.
- Table 20: Final 2016 and 2017 Non-Exempt AFA CV Halibut PSC Limits for Vessels Using Trawl Gear in the GOA.
- Table 21: Final 2016 GOA Non-American Fisheries Act Crab Vessel Groundfish Harvest Sideboard Limits.
- Table 22: Final 2017 GOA Non-American Fisheries Act Crab Vessel Groundfish Harvest Sideboard Limits.
- Table 23: Final 2016 Rockfish Program Harvest Limits for the Catcher/Processor Sector in the West Yakutat District and Western GOA.
- Table 24: Final 2017 Rockfish Program Harvest Limits for the Catcher/Processor Sector in the West Yakutat District and Western GOA.
- Table 25: Final 2016 and 2017 Rockfish Program Halibut Mortality Limits for the Catcher/Processor Sector.
- Table 26: Final 2016 GOA Groundfish Sideboard Limits for Amendment 80 Program Vessels.
- Table 27: Final 2017 GOA Groundfish Sideboard Limits for Amendment 80 Program Vessels.
- Table 28: Final 2016 and 2017 Halibut PSC Limits for Amendment 80 Program Vessels in the GOA.
- Table 29: 2016 and 2017 Directed Fishing Closures in the GOA.
- Table 30: 2016 and 2017 Non-Exempt AFA CV Sideboard Directed Fishing Closures for All Gear Types in the GOA.
2016 to 2017 Harvest Specification Changes
- Total Allowable Catch and Further Catch Share Changes
- Apportionment of the Groundfish Reserves in the BSAI (1988–present) (PDF)
- BSAI pollock reallocations (1999–present) (PDF)
- BSAI Pacific cod reallocations (1995–present) (PDF)
- GOA (Western and Central) Pacific cod reallocations (2012–present) (PDF)
More Information
Further Allocations
- AFA Inshore Pollock Cooperatives
- Amendment 80
- Community Development Quota (CDQ) Groups
- Central GOA Rockfish Program
- BSAI Flatfish Exchanges (PDF)