Key Message:
NOAA Fisheries announces changes to management of South Atlantic red porgy. These changes include establishing a new rebuilding plan, and revising the acceptable biological catch, annual catch limits, annual optimum yield, sector allocations, accountability measures, and management measures for the commercial and recreational sectors. The management measures will reduce the commercial trip and recreational bag and possession limit, and implement a 2-month recreational fishing season.
When Rule Will Take Effect:
Regulations will be effective January 19, 2023.
What This Means:
- Rebuilding Plan
- The final rule will establish a new rebuilding plan schedule equal to 26 years starting in 2022 and ending in 2048.
- Catch Levels and Sector Allocations
- The total annual catch limit will be equal to the acceptable biological catch of 72,115 pounds gutted weight (lb gw) for 2022; 77,885 lb gw for 2023; 83,654 lb gw for 2024; 87,500 lb gw for 2025; and 91,346 lb gw for 2026 and subsequent fishing years.
- The red porgy sector annual catch limits are based on a revised commercial and recreational allocation of 51.43% and 48.57%, respectively.
- For Season 1 and Season 2 combined, the commercial annual catch limits will be 37,089 lbs gw for 2022; 40,056 lb gw for 2023; 43,023 lb gw for 2024; 45,001 lb gw for 2025; and 46,979 lb gw for 2026 and subsequent years.
- The commercial annual catch limits for January 1 through April 30 (Season 1) will be 11,127 lbs gw for 2022; 12,017 lb gw for 2023; 12,907 lb gw for 2024; 13,500 lb gw for 2025; and 14,094 lb gw for 2026 and subsequent years.
- The commercial annual catch limits for May 1 through December 31 (Season 2) will be 25,962 lb gw for 2022; 28,039 lb gw for 2023; 30,116 lb gw for 2024; 31,501 lb gw for 2025; and 32,886 lb gw for 2026 and subsequent years.
- The recreational annual catch limits will be 35,026 lb gw for 2022; 37,829 lb gw for 2023; 40,631 lb gw for 2024; 42,499 lb gw for 2025; and 44,367 lb gw for 2026 and subsequent years.
- Management Measures
- The commercial trip limits for red porgy will be reduced to 15 fish for both Seasons 1 and 2.
- The recreational bag and possession limits will be reduced to 1 fish per person per day, or 1 fish per person per trip, whichever is more restrictive.
- The final rule will establish a recreational fishing season for red porgy where harvest will be allowed May 1 through June 30.
- Recreational Accountability Measures
- The current in-season closure and stock status based post-season accountability measures will be removed.
- The final rule will specify a new accountability measure.
- If recreational landings exceed the recreational annual catch limit, the length of the following year’s recreational fishing season will be reduced by the amount necessary to prevent the recreational annual catch limit from being exceeded in the following year.
Formal Federal Register Name/Number: 87 FR 77742, December 20, 2022
This bulletin serves as a Small Entity Compliance Guide, complying with section 212 of the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Why are changes being made to management of South Atlantic red porgy?
- Amendment 50 will modify management of South Atlantic red porgy in response to the latest population assessment.
- The results of the latest assessment indicated that the stock has experienced over harvest and needs to rebuild to target levels.
Why are changes being made to the commercial and recreational allocations for red porgy?
- Estimates of recreational landings have changed to incorporate Marine Recreational Information Program’s Fishing Effort Survey method, which has replaced the Marine Recreational Information Program’s Coastal Household Telephone Survey.
- The new allocations result in a small increase to the commercial sector.
What are the new catch levels and management measures for the commercial sector?
- The commercial sector annual catch limits are split into two commercial fishing seasons with 30% allocated to Season 1 (January through April) and 70% allocated to Season 2 (May through December). Any remaining commercial quota from Season 1 would be added to the commercial quota in Season 2. Any remaining quota from Season 2 would not be carried forward into the next fishing year.
- The commercial quotas in 2022 for Season 1 will be 11,127 lb gw and Season 2 will be 25,962 lb gw; in 2023, Season 1 will be 12,017 lb gw and Season 2 will be 28,039 lb gw; in 2024, Season 1 will be 12,907 lb gw and Season 2 will be 30,116 lb gw; in 2025, Season 1 will be 13,500 lb gw and Season 2 will be 31,501 lb gw; and for 2026 and subsequent years, Season 1 will be 14,094 lb gw and Season 2 will be 32,886 lb gw. This final rule will not alter the current fishing seasons or commercial season quota allocations.
- The commercial trip limits for red porgy will be 15 fish for both Seasons 1 and 2.
What are the new catch levels and management measures for the recreational sector?
- The recreational catch levels will be 35,026 lb gw for 2022; 37,829 lb gw for 2023; 40,631 lb gw for 2024; 42,499 lb gw for 2025; and 44,367 lb gw for 2026 and subsequent years.
- The recreational bag limit for red porgy will be 1 fish per person per day, or 1 fish per person per trip, whichever is more restrictive.
- The final rule will establish a recreational fishing season for red porgy where harvest will be allowed May 1 through June 30.
What are the new recreational accountability measures?
- The current in-season closure and stock status based post-season accountability measures will be removed. The final rule will specify a new accountability measure. If recreational landings exceed the recreational annual catch limit, the length of the following year’s recreational fishing season will be reduced by the amount necessary to prevent the recreational annual catch limit from being exceeded in the following year.
Where can I find more information on Amendment 50?
- Contact NOAA Fisheries, Southeast Regional Office
By Mail: Frank Helies
NOAA Fisheries, Southeast Regional Office
Sustainable Fisheries Division
263 13th Avenue South
St. Petersburg, Florida 33701-5505
By FAX: (727) 824-5308
By Phone: (727) 824-5305
- Amendment 50 may be found online at the NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office Website at:
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Quick Glance Contact List for the NOAA Fisheries Southeast Regional Office
Permits Mailbox:
The Permits Office in St. Petersburg, Florida now has a Permits mailbox in the front lobby (263 13th Ave. South, St. Petersburg, FL 33701). You can now drop off original permits for permit transfers. Envelopes with information labels will be provided so that your documents can be attached to the correct application. The mailbox will be checked daily. For more information contact the Permits Office at 877-376-4877.
Other contacts:
Media: Allison Garrett, 727-551-5750