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Northeast Multispecies (Groundfish) Fishing Year 2024 Common Pool Trip Limits

April 11, 2024

Effective on May 1, 2024, this action implements possession and trip limits for the Northeast multispecies common pool fishery for fishing year 2024 and other measures.

Table 1. Fishing Year 2024 Common Pool Possession and Trip Limits 


Stock2024 Trip Limit
GB1 Cod (outside Eastern U.S./Canada Area)

100 lb per DAS,

up to 200 lb per trip

GB Cod (inside Eastern U.S./Canada Area)
GB Cod [Closed Area II Yellowtail Flounder/Haddock SAP2 (for targeting haddock)]500 lb per trip
GOM Cod150 lb per DAS, up to 300 lb per trip
GB Haddock50,000 lb per trip
GOM Haddock1,000 lb per DAS, up to 2,000 lb per trip
GB Yellowtail Flounder100 lb per trip
SNE/MA3 Yellowtail Flounder200 lb per DAS, up to 400 lb per trip
CC/GOM Yellowtail Flounder1,500 lb per DAS, up to 3,000 lb per trip
American plaice3,000 lb per DAS, up to 6,000 lb per trip
Witch Flounder1,500 lb per trip
GB Winter Flounder500 lb per trip
GOM Winter Flounder2,000 lb per trip
SNE/MA Winter Flounder2,000 lb per DAS, up to 4,000 lb per trip
White hake750 lb per trip
Atlantic Halibut1 fish per trip
Windowpane FlounderPossession Prohibited
Ocean Pout
Atlantic Wolffish

1GB = Georges Bank

2SAP = Special Access Program

3SNE/MA = Southern New England/Mid-Atlantic

Table 2. Fishing Year 2024 Cod Trip Limits for Handgear A, and Handgear B Permits

Permit2024 Trip Limit
Handgear A GOM Cod150 lb per trip
Handgear A GB Cod100 lb per trip
Handgear B GOM Cod25 lb per trip
Handgear B GB Cod25 lb per trip


Vessels with a Small Vessel category permit can possess up to 300 lb of cod, haddock, and yellowtail flounder, combined, per trip.  These vessels are also subject to trip limits that are equal to the DAS possession limits applicable to multispecies DAS vessels as described in Table 1.

Additionally, Northeast multispecies vessels may not target yellowtail flounder within the Closed Area II Yellowtail Flounder/Haddock Special Access Program (SAP) in fishing year 2024. Northeast multispecies vessels are not allowed to fish in this SAP using flounder trawl nets, but may fish in this SAP to target haddock with a haddock separator trawl, a Ruhle trawl, or hook gear. This SAP is open from August 1, 2024, through January 31, 2025.

Lastly, the Regular B Days-at-Sea (DAS) program is closed for fishing year 2024. During this closure, Northeast multispecies vessels may not declare or use regular B DAS.


Contact Spencer Talmage, Regional Office, (978) 281-9232, Spencer.Talmage@noaa.gov