Effective Date: July 2, 2019
Summer Flounder
For the summer flounder recreational fishery, we are continuing “conservation equivalency.” This means we waive the federal recreational bag limit, minimum fish size, and fishing season, and vessel owners are subject to regulations in the state where they land.
Please contact your state for information on summer flounder regulations that apply to you.
Black Sea Bass
Open Season: May 15-December 31
Minimum Size: 12.5 inches
Bag Limit: 15 per trip
Open Season: All year
Minimum Size: 9 inches
Bag Limit: 50 per trip
Follow Most Restrictive Rules
Please keep in mind that if the federal minimum size, possession limit, and/or season differ from the regulations for the state in which you will be landing, you must follow the more restrictive regulations.
If you have additional questions on the recreational management measures, please call the Sustainable Fisheries Division at (978) 281-9315.