Annamaria DeAngelis, MRes
Annamaria DeAngelis (formerly Izzi) has a BS in Marine Biology from the University of Rhode Island and a MRes in Marine Mammal Science from the University of St Andrews, Scotland. She has worked as a research analyst at Cornell's Bioacoustics Research Program (now Center for Conservation Bioacoustics) and interned at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport, RI researching beaked whales, before joining the passive acoustic research group in 2014. Her focus is on the detection, classification, and localization of various odontocete species from both bottom mounted and towed array platforms, which comprises of beaked whale, sperm whale, Kogia, harbor porpoise, and delphinid species projects.
For a list of papers Annamaria has contributed to, please visit OrcID as well as the Passive Acoustics Research Group’s list of publications.