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NOAA Fisheries Personnel Default Profile

Daniel J. Kamikawa

Research Fishery Biologist
Groundfish Ecology Program
Office: (541) 275-2758
Email: dan.kamikawa@noaa.gov

Daniel J. Kamikawa

Research Fishery Biologist


Since receiving a B.S. in biology from the University of Wisconsin -- Stevens Point, Dan Kamikawa has worked as a fisheries biologist on a variety commercial and sport fisheries for several agencies. His experience includes working on salmonids and warm-water species on Lake Michigan and inland waters for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. He has also worked on habitat evaluation and improvement for anadromous and resident salmonids in the Klamath River Basin, the Eastern Sierra and the Clackamas River for the U.S. Forest Service in California and Oregon. Other projects on which he has worked include fish transportation on the Snake and Columbia rivers for the U.S. Corps of Engineers, testing and evaluating juvenile bypass facilities on the Snake and Columbia rivers for NOAA Fisheries and hydrocarbon studies on groundfish in Prince William Sound for the NOAA Fisheries.

Current Research

Currently, Dan is working with the FRAM Division's Survey Team on West Coast Groundfish issues. His current project involves continuing the development of a field guide for fish and invertebrate species commonly captured during West Coast surveys.