Douglas J. Krause, Ph.D.
Doug leads the Pinniped Program for the Antarctic Ecosystem Research Division. This program studies the foraging ecology and population dynamics of Antarctic seals, particularly Antarctic fur, Weddell, and leopard seals. He has been supporting NOAA’s research mission since 2000 as a NOAA Corps officer, field biologist, and principle investigator. His research identifies the mechanisms through which predator-prey interactions, including hunting tactics, can inform community dynamics along food webs. The program is currently focused on the spatio-temporal interpretation of seal foraging behavior data, stable isotope analysis of diet, and developing drone-based monitoring tools including photogrammetry and automated detection algorithms. This research supports the conservation and management of Antarctic marine living resources under the Antarctic Marine Living Resources Convention Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act.
Selected Publications:
Krause, D.J., Bonin, C.A., Goebel, M.E., Reiss, C.S. 2022. The Rapid Population Collapse of a Key Marine Predator in the Northern Antarctic Peninsula Endangers Genetic Diversity and Resilience to Climate Change. Frontiers in Marine Science. DOI:
Krause, D.J., Hinke, J.T., Goebel, M.E., and Perryman, W.L. 2021. Drones minimize Antarctic predator responses relative to ground survey methods: an appeal for context in policy advice. Frontiers in Marine Science. DOI:
Rogers, T.L., Forcada, J., and Krause, D.J. 2021. The leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx). Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR) and Antarctic Environmental Portal (AEP). DOI:
Krause, D.J. and Hinke, J.T. 2021. Finally Within Reach: A Drone Census of an Important, But Practically Inaccessible, Antarctic Fur Seal Colony. Aquatic Mammals. 47. 349-354. 10.1578/AM.47.4.2021.349. DOI:
Krause, D.J., M.E. Goebel, and C.M. Kurle. 2020. Leopard seal diets in a rapidly warming polar region vary by year, season, sex, and body size. BMC Ecology 20:32.
Krause, D.J. and Rogers, T.L. 2019. Food caching in marine apex predators. Canadian Journal of Zoology 97(6): 573-578.
Mustafa,O., A. Barbosa, D.J Krause, H. Peter, G. Vieira, M. Rümmler. 2018. State of knowledge: Antarctic wildlife response to unmanned aerial systems. Polar Biology 41:2387.
Krause, D.J., J.T. Hinke, W.L. Perryman, M.E. Goebel, D.J. LeRoi. 2017. An accurate and adaptable photogrammetric approach for estimating the mass and body condition of pinnipeds using an unmanned aerial system. PLOS ONE 12(11): e0187465.
Krause, D. J., M. E. Goebel, G. J. Marshall, and K. Abernathy. 2016. Summer diving and haul-out behavior of leopard seals (Hydrurga leptonyx) near mesopredator breeding colonies at Livingston Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Marine Mammal Science 32(3):839-867.
Krause, D. J., M. E. Goebel, G. J. Marshall, and K. Abernathy. 2015. Novel foraging strategies observed in a growing leopard seal (Hydrurga leptonyx) population at Livingston Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Animal Biotelemetry 3:1-14.
Goebel, M., W. Perryman, J. Hinke, D.J. Krause, N. Hann, S. Gardner, and D. LeRoi. 2015. A small unmanned aerial system for estimating abundance and size of Antarctic predators. Polar Biology 38(5):619-630.