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Hannah Ciarametaro

Hannah Ciarametaro

Population & Ecosystems Monitoring & Analysis Division
Cooperative Research
Email: hannah.ciarametaro@noaa.gov

Hannah Ciarametaro

Hannah has a B.S. in Marine Biology and Environmental Science from the University of New England. During undergrad she worked on research utilizing eDNA to detect invasive tunicate species in the Gulf of Maine and also interned at Cape Ann Whale Watch. Hannah was a fisheries observer for nearly 2 years with over 200 sea days certified in the NEFOP/ASM/IFS programs with NEFOP specialized certifications in Pot/Trap, High Volume, Clam Dredge and Longline fisheries. Hannah is interested in how ocean acidification may be affecting the formation of otoliths in finfish and the implications this has for the survival rate for future year classes. She enjoys traveling, snorkeling, and hiking with her dog Jingles.